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Looking Back - by [a homeschool mom]
The Nature of Public Education - John Taylor Gatto; Excerpts
The Heart of True Education - by Marilyn Howshall
5 Myths About Public (and Traditional) Education
by Tory and Barb Shelton
Can Someone Else Homeschool My Children?
by Barb Shelton
The Great Escape - by Geoffrey Botkin
Homemade Bread - Author Unknown
Walking by the Spirit - by Marilyn Howshall
What About Christian Schools? - Author Unknown
Letter of Encouragement to Kids Not Wanting to Homeschool
from Sharnessa Shelton
(who was homeschooled from start to finish)
Animal School - Author Unknown
Wisdom's 7 Pillars for True Education - by Barb Shelton
But Aren't Schools the Best Way to Learn? - by Michael Pearl
Relationship Skills, Life Skills, Academic Skills - by Ellyn Davis
What If We Want to Homeschool for Only 1 or 2 years? - by Barb Shelton
The Cost of Homeschooling - by Donna Heck
Is Homeschooling As Good As Public School? - by Barb Shelton
Refreshing and Re-Focusing the Heart of the Homeschooler
by Barb Shelton
Anti-Homeschooling Excuses ~ Are They Valid?
by Tamara Eaton
I Corinthians 13 for Homeschoolers
by Betty DeMers Parkes
by Margaret, Kathy, and Katrina
Decided to (Re)Start
Helpful Stuff to Know Before Taking Your Child Out of School
by Barb Shelton
Taking Resistant Kids Out of School
(One homeschool mom's experience) by "Margaret"
Is Mid-High School Too Late to Start Homeschooling?
by Barb Shelton, with contributions from several moms,
including an "article within an article" by Marilyn Howshall
Bringing Them Home - by Janie Levine
Help With Getting Your Vision - by Donna Heck
De-Schooling Tips - by Dianne Brooks
of Re-education & Renewing
of the Mind
Why Would I Need (to do) Such a Season? - by Barb Shelton
The Stitchery: An Analogy of this Season - by Barb Shelton
Biblical S.A.T.'s of Learning - by Marilyn Howshall
Decide to Be a Homeschooled Mom - by Marilyn Howshall
"(Barb's) Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind" Main Page
There's LOTS more! This link takes you to the "Starting Point" for my suggestion for a Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind, from which you'll be able to link to a variety of helpful, encouraging articles for this season, whether or not you follow my suggestions! (This is the same page as is linked from the Main Lobby.)
Q's and A's and Encouragement from Moms Doing It
& Relationships God's Way
From My Heart - (Basic intro to this message from me) by Barb Shelton
Dating Trap Avoided Through Emotional Abstinence - by Michael Farris
Convinced in My Heart - by Tory Shelton
Tory & Chrissy Shelton's Wedding - by Barb (Mom) Shelton
The Problems with Dating - by Nathan Bailey
What to Do While You Wait - by Nathan Bailey
Encouragement to Do It God's Way - by Sharnessa Shelton
A Fairy Tale Wedding - by Kelli Johnson
(And Letter to the Couple by Diane Leasure)
What Is Dating? What Is Courtship? - by Nathan Bailey
by Leland Edtl (my Dad!)
Keys to a Marriage Made -- and Kept -- in Heaven
by Sarah (Mrs. Colby) Phillipps
Protecting Your Marriage from Infidelity
by Michael Smalley
Testing, & Government Issues
Obeying the Law, Testing, (from the legal angle),
by Barb Shelton
The Heart of Testing and Grade Placing
(Taking a look at this "hot topic" from the heart - not legal - angle)
by Barb Shelton
"It's the Law!" ~ or IS it? - by Dennis Elenburg
Enlightening Excerpts on Testing
(From the author of For the Children's Sake)
Susan Schaeffer Macaulay
Biblical S.A.T.'s of Learning - by Marilyn Howshall
(repeated from the "Season of Re-educ." section above; but very applicable to this section as well!)
About Washington State's Homeschool Law
Compiled by Barb Shelton.
(I know this doesn't apply to all, but I have included this here because I live in Washington and need to be
able to refer people to my my website for information rather than give it out individually by phone or mail.)
Pioneer Girl - by Sharnessa Shelton
Are You Eccentric? - by Barb Shelton
Purpose of Education - by Gordon Clark
Gift or Seduction? - by Carolyn Forte
(Food for thought regarding linking up with public school programs)
So What Are You Doing For God? - by Barb Shelton
What About Prepared Curriculum? - by Barb Shelton
The Need for Structure in the Learning Process
by Marilyn Howshall
The Seduction of Homeschooling Families
by Chris Cardiff
Socialization Concerns - by Geoffrey Botkin
The Socialization Issue - by Dr. Fred Worth
A Brief Case for "Socialization"
by Dr. Jay Wile
Boredom and Dullness of Soul - by Marilyn Howshall
The Problem with Math - by Barb Shelton
Tory Shelton's Graduation Story and Photos - by Barb Shelton
Sharnessa's Graduation Story and Photos - by Barb Shelton
The Diploma Quest(ion) - by Barb Shelton
Faith Walking Through High School - by Barb Shelton
Insights on College from Helen Keller - Compiled/Commented on by Barb Shelton
The Issue of Accreditation - by Barb Shelton
Will Secular College Undo What You Have Done? - by Barb Shelton
Are They "Teenagers" or What? - by Barb Shelton
So What About College? - by Barb Shelton
Overwhelmed by Form+U+la? - by Barb Shelton
How I Cut Form+U+la Down to Size - by Wendy Fulton
(This takes you to the article it is in: "Overwhelmed by Form+U+la?"
Scroll half-way down the page to find it.)
Honors Diploma - by Barb Shelton
Is Mid-High School Too Late to Start Homeschooling?
by Barb Shelton, with contributions from several moms,
including an "article within an article" by Marilyn Howshall
Are "Dual Enrollment" and "Running Start" Really Homeschool Options?
by Barb Shelton
Encouraging Letter to a Reluctant Homeschool Boy from Sharnessa
by Sharnessa Shelton
Encouragement from a Homeschooling Mom with 3 High Schoolers!
by Susan LaBounty
To Moms with Burned out, Bad Attitude Teens - by Barb Shelton
Insights on High School ~ from Jay Wile
Interview by Mary Leggewie
When Teens Don't Want to Homeschool (Anymore)
by Patti Ballard, Barb Shelton, and JulieBeth
"If I have a previous edition, do I really need a new one?"
When to Read Form+U+la? - (When's early enough? When's too late?)
by Several Homeschool Moms!
(Refreshment, Revitalization and Reconditioning of Spirit, Body, Soul)
On a Personal Note - by Barb Shelton
Prioritizing Your "Rocks" - Author Unknown
Loosen Up! - by Camilla Leedahl
The Lure of "Time to Myself" - by Jean Mann
My Humble Thoughts on Losing Weight and
Exercise - by Barb Shelton
Why Have Warm Water in the Morning?
by Barb Shelton
with insights from Dr. Raymond Moore
Spiritual Edification & Deepening
Hearing God 101 - by Barb Shelton
"Commune With Me" Guide - by Barb Shelton
Why Do They Call it GOOD Friday? - by Barb Shelton
Good Morning from God - Author Unknown
The Hem of His Garment - by Barb Shelton
An Analogy of the Body of Christ - by Barb Shelton
(All three of the articles directly below appear in other spots in this
Article Chart, but because of their "spiritual" nature and their importance, I want to
have them here too, just in case you missed them elsewhere.)
Walking by the Spirit - by Marilyn Howshall
The Heart of True Education - by Marilyn Howshall
So What Are You Doing For God? - by Barb Shelton
Does It Work?!? - by Barb Shelton & Susan Hitchcock
There I'll Be - by Sharnessa Shelton
To Enhance Relationship with
Making a Toddler's Lifestyle a Learning One - by Mary Woodis
Using the Word of God to Train Your Children - by Kelli Johnson
Understanding the Childish Nature - by Michael & Debi Pearl
No Longer Anti-Spanking - by Shannon Schermerhorn
Changing the Heart of a Rebel - by Pastor S. M. Davis
True Success in Child Training - by Marilyn Howshall
Remedy for Rebellion - by Barb Shelton
Resourcefulness & Purchasing
Buying Used Curriculum - by Barb Shelton
About Homeschool Libraries, Vendors, and Curriculum Fairs
by Barb Shelton
Frugal vs. (Downright) Cheap - by Barb Shelton
Why Don't You Discount? - by Ellyn Davis
The Buck Stops Where? - by Donna Heck
Basic Intro to Delight-Directed Learning - by Barb Shelton
"Delight Directed" - by Marilyn Howshall
(This is one of "7 Natural Vital Signs of the Learning Process")
Delight-Directed Study - by Gregg Harris
You can access everything in this section from the Main Page OR from the links below:
What Is Real-Life Learning? - A Collage of Examples
by Barb Shelton
So Is Real-Life Learning the Same Thing As Delight-Directed Learning?
by Barb Shelton
10 Reasons to Keep Records - by Barb Shelton
Force-fed vs. Interest-led Learning - by Barb Shelton
Reunited: Now and Forever - by Barb Shelton
"Barbara Edtl Shelton": About My Name & Pen Name
(for the curious mind)
Our Family's Emergency Preparedness Plan
by Barb Shelton
About My Graphics Designers - from Barb Shelton
Email 101 - (Tips for those new to - or confused or
overwhelmed by - emailing) - by Barb Shelton
Special Thanks to my Website Design Teachers
from Barb Shelton
My Favorite Bible Verses - of Barb Shelton
My Favorite Internet Links - of Barb Shelton
About Having Barb Shelton Come and Speak
(Obviously by Barb Shelton; who else would know? Or care?)
A Personal Guided Tour Through Sr. High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la
For Parents of Pre-Highschoolers, which is why this isn't in the High School area
"My Daddy" - a Father's Day Gift; from/by Sharnessa Shelton
A Very Special Announcement about Tory! - by Barb Shelton
A Very Special Announcement about Sharnessa! - by Barb Shelton
Year-round Valentine for Our Friends - by Barb Shelton
Sharnessa's Prayer 'n' News Letter! (3-4-00)
I got the darling bear, stack of books, teapot and cups at:
...and the tiny pink check wallpaper at:
Original Country Clipart by Lisa
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