Here is a wide variety of examples of "real-life learning." A few of these have "helps" in other resources, as listed in the Key below. These will give you a hands-on means of organizing, documenting, or enhancing the learning experience.
Gardening: Food, Floral, Landscaping
Embroidery, stitchery, or counted cross-stitch
Go camping including packing and preparing
Plan and complete a project of your own interest (L)
Perform a service in community
Make a quilt or blanket
Make fire starters out of egg cartons, dryer lint, and melted candle wax
Crochet or knit projects
Hunting: taking an animal from field to freezer
Make elk/deer jerky or sausage, etc. (G)
Read stories onto an audio tape for children
Study different types of music (P)
Work on any aspect or type of a farm ~ food or dairy
Plan a vacation ~ on computer or on paper
Serve on a committee you have an interest in
Attend a city council meeting and reporting on it
Plan an exercise program for yourself (P)
Prepare a meal, including planning the menu, finding recipes, making the shopping list, and cooking it (P)
Learn how to make a month's worth of dinners
Cooking and baking, Gourmet cooking (P)
Take a health-related workshop at a hospital
Work at the family business
Have an adequate season of focusing on and developing an interest (L)
Help build, remodel, clean, or serve food at a homeless shelter, "wheels on meals," orphanage
Study and cook (and eating) healthy dishes
4-H, Scouts, Civil Air Patrol meetings
Make/build/design crafts of any type
Make and selling your work at a bazaar
Do a lemonade stand including setting up the booth and handling and recording sales
Take a class at a fabric or craft shop
Tour museums or visit historical sites
Create a school name and logos for your homeschool
Make your own I.D. cards for siblings
Come up with "school colors" and then make T-shirts or aprons with your school name and logos on them
Learn the locations of all 50 states
Watch a movie or play with historical, life-changing, and/or aesthetic value (P)
Study overviews of the major religions of the world (P)
Tutor or read to younger (than YOU) children
Get involved in a play, concert or recital in any capacity: acting, stage hand, making costumes, choreographing, directing, set building, being an extra or in the chorus
Attend concerts and performances
Read a book to a younger child
Make up a 7-aspect health plan for yourself (P)
Take lessons: instrument, gymnastics, dance, voice, choir, skating, band, symphony, golf, or any sport
Write an essay with all of your interests, roles in life, hobbies, talents, and jobs
Make up a "This is Me" page of yourself
Study the stars (astronomy, not astrology)
Visit a nursing home, shut-in or hospital
Create a puppet show including the set and the puppets, and even programs!
Lead a family meeting (P)
Visit or perform for sick children at a hospital
Going through difficult situations with parental guidance and the Holy Spirit
Watch the process of a house being constructed over a period of several weeks, or better yet...
Help remodel or build on to the house
Attend Master Gardeners meetings
Interview people of various occupations and interests (P)
Learn how to sew and then sew an apron, potholders, coasters, etc.
Read "real books"
Collect food for a food barrel
Glean food for the poor from grocery stores
Work at a nursing home: feeding patients
Go on a mission outreach trip
Help to deliver food, clothing, blankets to the needy
Write a letter to the editor about something you are concerned about
Attend workshops and seminars of special personal interest
Make a High School Memory Book (P)
Be part of a homeschool choir
Organize a closet, room, shelves (P)
Build a dog or cat house
Find out the core conflicts and outcomes of the major wars of the U.S. (P)
Pick berries and store (can, dry, freeze) or preserve (jams and jellies)
Create and present a Nativity Scene play
Create the invitations and programs for the above play
Make up your own words to children's songs
Participate in a running, jogging, swimming or bicycle marathon
Learn to oil paint, watercolor, or tole paint
Make your own bird feeders
Watch & learn about birds
Attend a Creation Science seminar
Evaluate the wholesomeness of a song or movie (P)
Plant and grow seeds, indoors or outdoors
Computer: learning computer programs, operations and terms (P)
Own and/or care for a horse
Participate in a Toastmasters (Speech) Meeting or Speechcrafters Class
Attend a Basic Life Principles (or any Christian) seminar
Browse an art show at a library, museum or park
Learn the various cooking terms (P)
Help a neighbor or relative take care of their younger children
Find out the meaning of your name and a Bible verse to go with it (P)
Do a creative, in-depth, or topical Bible Study (P)
Create a Family Newsletter, not just at Christmas, but anytime ~ or regularly ~ through the year
Research the Internet for a topic of (valuable and moral) interest
Calculate the costs and care of getting a pet (P)
Visit (and really experience) a science center
Interview a pastor, elder, or deacon on their denomination’s beliefs (P)
Interview someone who is waiting on God's timing for their future spouse
Put on a tea party with Mom, friends, and/or dolls
Do your own unique, personal Homeschool Graduation!