Announcing the Engagement
of our son Tory William Shelton to Christina Lynn Hadaller (her formal name; she is known by all as "Chrissy")
on February 14th, 2000
The wedding will take place on Saturday, August 26th, 2000
We, Tory's parents, are delighted to share this news with our friends and relatives! We know this marriage is made in Heaven. Our "beloved son in whom we are well-pleased," will wed the beautiful woman for whom we have been waiting and praying all these years! She is a delight and already has loved her way into Dave's and my hearts as our (new) cherished daughter! We look forward with great joy and anticipation to what God has in store for these two!
Tory and Chrissy can be contacted at their own
addresses via the red
roses in the announcement!
(The first rose is Tory's; the next one Chrissy's.)
The animated purple roses are from:
...the red roses are from: |
...and the twinkling starry background is from: |
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