I hope you all will put aside your quests for "a good deal" when you are considering the purchase of any of Barb's books ~ or any of the books that she carries. Being a good steward with our money is an admirable thing but I also believe in paying the laborer his due. Barb devotes many, many hours of her time to a ministry that she feels called to ~ namely, helping us homeschoolers out of the bondage of the "school" mentality.
Until I actually looked into publishing a book myself, I was blissfully unaware of the cost of self-publishing. Are you aware that the cost of re-publishing Form+U+la was the equivalent of a down payment on a HOUSE?!  How many of you have that kind of money laying around? Not to mention the fact that Barb's husband had to build a storage building just to house the books. (I know from conversations from Barb that they don't have that kind of money either; it took months of their profit (wages) to pay for it.)
The revenue generated by the sale of the books is a long way from covering those expenses, by the way. When Barb allows another book company to sell her books, she must cut her already low profit margin so that they (the store) can also make a profit. So when you buy from someone else, Barb's profits are significantly less.
I'm not telling you all this to make you feel bad for buying elsewhere. (And Barb doesn't want you to either!)  I just want to make you aware of this situation so you can decide for yourself who should get the fruit of Barb's labors. This is true of all self-published authors, by the way.
Ok, I'm getting off my soapbox for now! I hope this doesn't offend anyone. I also hope you will consider what I've said about your purchases this Christmas and through the year. This is one way that we can show our support, our thanks, our love for Barb and all the sacrifices she and her family make for us!  Yes, it is a labor of love but you can't live (or pay the bills) on love!



So where does the buck stop?



That's actually up to you!


Where do you want it to stop?




Response to the Above

from a Homeschool Mom


by Leah

Several years ago, I read an article in the Elijah Co. catalog about buying from authors and how it is detrimental to us all when companies discount. I thought he was stretching the truth a little bit. After all, hadn't the Lord provided these less expensive avenues just for me???
Well last year, I read the articles that Barb has at her site about this very topic, and was convicted to the point that I now do my best to buy things from the author whenever possible. We don't buy much, compared to most people, but that "little bit" added to other people's "little bit" may be the answer to an author's prayer!
Barb wrote about how we often SAY we don't have the money for something. If it is a need, the Lord will provide.  His reputation is at stake!!!  Do His children REALLY go without what they need?  I should say not!  Many times, our priorities are not as they should be. And maybe we try to buy too much at one time. I've started saving my dimes and nickels (literally) so that I can buy one of Marilyn Howshall's books every few months. I mean, how much of Marilyn can I digest at one time, anyway?

Well, following are the articles that are at Barb's site. If you've never read them, please take a look. If you HAVE read them and think they're stretching it a bit, just ask the Lord if they're right. You may be surprised at the answer.

In His Love, 



[From Barb: The Elijah Co. article Leah's referring to is "Why Don't You Discount?" and is listed below.]




   Here are a few more articles on this topic:

Frugal vs. (Downright) Cheap

About Homeschool Libraries, Vendors

and Curriculum Fairs

Why Don't You Discount?


Buying Used Curriculum




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