An analogy to help you understand what a Season of Re-education is all about
Everyone in any given culture is immersed in that culture's ideas and attitudes whether they have ever studied them or not. The ideas are just there, firmly in place in their minds and hearts, never to be changed much, except and only except by one of two things: A) an experience that proves differently than one's beliefs, or B) a concentrated focus on changing those beliefs.
As we approach homeschooling, we will naturally bring with us all sorts of preconceived ideas about what "education" should look like. So if the "old" is not exposed, the "new" will be nothing more than a "cheap or, more likely, very expensive imitation."
I liken the whole process to a stitchery. As parents starting to homeschool, we start out with a fully completed stitchery of our idea of "education."
Even never having pushed a single needle or thread through our stitchery canvas, we still have one. And it does not like to be disturbed or challenged. I know I'm veering away from the analogy here, as stitcheries are inanimate, but start poking around the threads of this one, or try to pull any out, and the thing comes to life FULL animated life!!! much as a bear woken up mid-hybernation might wake up.
Don't believe me? Okay, let me pull on a few threads with a few "needley" statements made by John Taylor Gatto who was named "New York State Teacher of the Year" in 1992. I heard him speak at a homeschool convention maybe three years later. His ideas absolutely "blew me out of the water"! They did much to form my ideas about education, and, as well, to blast apart my old ideas of education and thus free me to pursue "true education" for my children without feeling I needed or would even be smart to imitate the school system, whether public or private.
WOW!!! Yes, he was actually the New York State Teacher of the Year! I'm very curious as to how that happened, especially since he went on the homeschool convention circuit after that and "preached" all this!!!
Just for the record, I don't personally feel that " ... bad habits are the only curriculum truly learned," but this is a public school teacher talking, not me. I'm just wanting you to feel free(r) to let go of the idea that school is the best place or way to learn. (For more on this, read But Aren't Schools the Best Way to Learn? by Michael Pearl.)
If we want God to give us His picture, we will have to submit our "stitchery" to a seam ripper and a rigorous "make-over" process...
First, all the old threads will have to be pulled out. No need to totally cut them up or discard them all; just set them aside God may use some of them in the new tapestry picture He will be creating. But, at this point, they do all need to be pulled out. This is where John Taylor Gatto's writings, The Great Escape, Home Education Myths, and "The Foundation for Homeschooling Duo ("The Heart of True Education" and "Preparing Heart 'n' Soul 'n' Guts NOW to Homeschool to the END!!!") will be effective. These will help extract all those long-imbedded, tenacious threads, one by (stubborn) one.
As the threads come out, we find what? a clean and blank canvas? No!!! We find that the original print is stamped in almost indelible ink onto our canvas! Note I said almost indelible! This is nothing that a heart emptied of its self, a mind ready to be submitted, washed, and renewed to God's ideas rather than its own can't handle.
Your imprinted canvas will need to be bleached and washed clean and new. And this is for what purpose? Just to have a nice, clean canvas? ... No it's so that God will have a fresh clean canvas on which to create a brand new painting of His own design. Several resources in this course will help with the "bleaching" to make your canvas "whiter than snow"! assuming you go through it with God!
This season is going to take some time, as you might be starting to see. So in the meantime, you may be in need of a "temporary canvas" so that your kids will have some way of productively spending their days during this time when Mom (and hopefully Dad, at least to a certain extent) is getting her bearings in this new way of approaching education.
You may not be ready for complete freedom, and that's okay. There is much taking in of resources you'll be doing that will help you know what to do, though it will help greatly to start "seeing" differently which in turn will help you know what to do.
The idea is to get to the place of allowing the Holy Spirit to lead you so that you "do not need a teacher"; you will just be letting Him lead you along. Note that this will be in much more than mere academic formal or informal pursuits. Much more importantly, you will learn to walk with your children as He does, with His heart, purifying and sweetening all your interactions within your family, lovingly helping them learn to relate in a new way with each other.
So what about this "interim" time? before you get to that place of understanding and (therefore) freedom? That's why I created the "Jumpstart Plan" for high school (right at the beginning of Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la. It's like a bridge from one world to another. And for your younger children, I created Real-Life Homeschool Learning & Organizing Tools for Younger Children (age 4~12), which you will use well beyond just getting your feet wet.
So let's say your canvas has had quite a bit cleared off of it and is now at a place of being ready for the "new," but now what? There are several things God will be doing, exciting and fun things, most of which He was not free to do before. Some will be a bit scary at times, as a walk of faith tends to be, and He will be doing them in a unique order for each one. I'll just identify them so you can be aware of what will likely be happening to you at some point...
All of the resources in the "Season of Re-education" will contribute in one way or another to this process.
So let's get out the scissors, bleach, seam ripper, embroidery yarn, and... a good pair of walking shoes! You're in for a wonderful journey!
I got the photos at Pixabay.