The Nature of Public Education
Excerpts from the writings of John Taylor Gatto
John Taylor Gatto was named "New York State Teacher of the Year" in 1992. I heard him speak at a homeschool convention maybe three years later. His ideas "blew me out of the water"!!! Along with all of my previously held-dear concepts of education! I know his writings have done much to re-form my ideas about education, and, as well, to blast my old ideas of education and have thus freed me to "do education" without feeling like I need to imitate the school system, public or private.
Further down this page is a link to a site with much much more of his writing, as well as a few words from me to introduce you to Mr. Gatto's exceptionally needed message! But let's hear from him first...
Some Christians may find portions of Mr. Gatto's message to be, perhaps... offensive... or maybe questionable because it is not forthrightly Christian.
I hope not, but I know some will. ... Why would I, a Christian, promote the work of someone whose philosophy is not forthrightly Christian?
I hope you who are most "offended" will tune in and listen the hardest...
Let's begin with "to the holy all things are holy." Mr. Gatto has one of THE most accurate pictures of true education that I have seen anywhere. His perspective, forthrightly Christian or not, is one that every Christian needs to hear. Mr. Gatto very accurately and forthrightly sounds a "wake up" call to all of America - hopefully the world - to anyone who will listen to the voice of experience.
Truth is truth, no matter what or who the source. In fact, ALL truth comes from God, whether or not the "discoverer" of a truth knows it.
I hope you will take an open perspective with you to Mr. Gatto's website where he has literally given away much of his writing - a message that will blow the top off of your current views of education and blow the minds of those minds are in need of some mind-blowing, especially minds that have previously held tight to some ideas that will do nothing to get them to the goals they hold dear.
And this is "mind blowing" in the best sense of the word!
I have yet to find any author I am in complete agreement with, even Christian! But, sad to say in some ways, I find myself in much more agreement with Mr. Gatto than I do with some Christians regarding "education." I have gained much in my life by learning what I believe God wants me to learn from people, even ones I am not in complete agreement with.
I urge you to visit his website, read the articles there, and allow God to speak to you between the lines. I am confident you will hear Him speaking loud and clear between and through what you read there!
Here's a link to info on Mr. Gatto at Wikipedia:
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