Romance & Relationships God's Way Section of the Article Chart |
If this is the first you have heard of this concept of "Romance and Relationships God's Way," you may be feeling a bit confused, defensive, or angry right now. Or if not now, you may as you start reading the articles in this section. I hope you will push through your feelings anyway as this is going to be a wonderful blessing to you, if you – and your child, of course – are open to whatever God wants to do in and through your lives in this area.
God's heart is never to destroy or keep us from the very best He has for us, and if there's any area that the enemy has spoken lies to that very effect, it is this one!
My actual intro to this section is the first article in this section entitled "From My Heart." Please start there, and then continue through the rest as they all have different focuses and will help you "see" this area in a new and clear light.
If all this is just "too much" and too weird for you to handle right now, do not despair – or give up on this idea! True education involves the whole person, all areas of one's life – so just know that God may (will) want access to this area down the road. In the meantime, just say "yes" to the next thing He says to you. And rest in the fact that the Holy Spirit is a gentle and patient Teacher.
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