An Analogy

of the

Body of Christ





I have always loved disco balls!  (like the one above!)  I've seen them at Skate World and at a few wedding receptions.  I was never into the whole "disco scene" so I didn't know them from that angle, nor did that affect my view of them one way or the other.


They're just so pretty!  Shining, glittering as they twirl, catching miniature pieces of its surroundings, cloaking everything in the room with dazzling diamonds of light!!!


When I found one at a Claire's boutique ~ just a tiny keychain-sized one ~ I snatched it up!  (Well, I paid for it too!)  I keep it in my office just for fun, and if I turn my head to the left, I can see it hanging right over my counter from the tip of the shelf brace!


It dawned on me one day that a disco ball is actually a very good analogy or "word picture" of the Body of Christ!  ~ and in ways other than "the obvious" ~ of reflecting the light of Jesus. 


Well HOW then? you understandably ask?  Well, sit a spell and let me tell...


First look at the structure of the ball:  it is made up of hundreds of tiny mirrors, all connected together!  Both of those concepts are scriptural pictures of the Body of Christ!  I Cor. 3:18 (The Living Bible) says 


"But we Christians are like mirrors that

brightly reflect the glory of the Lord."


And then there's the aspect of all these little mirrors being connected.  This brings to mind the verse in   that talks about being knit together."


But there is yet one more aspect of the disco ball that reminds me of the Body of Christ...   The rest of I Cor. 3:18 is: 


"...And as the Spirit of God works within us,

we become more and more like Him!"


Isn't that an awe-inspiring thought?!?  God actually enables us to become more like Him by His own work in us!  Each of us reflects a little bit of Him!  This isn't just my idea; it's right in the Bible:  I John 1:3 says: 


"But we know this, that when we

see Him, we will become like Him..."   


Think of how HUGE God is!  He's everywhere, and all around us.  Far and near.  (See also Psalm 139!)  I as one little human being, made in His image, reflect only one little tiny bit of God.  His nature, His heart, His creativity.  Not much!  But some small aspect of Him.  And each of us in our own unique ways.


So now think of that in relation to all these little mirror pieces being joined together!  We as the Body of Christ, are, together, reflecting many little bits of Him, and therefore a much larger composite picture of Him!  What an amazing privilege!  "Like father, like son"!  ...and daughter!  And lots of little mirror pieces! 


"Make me like You, Lord!" that we can jointly give the world

a better picture of You!




   I got the mirrored ball at:



and the background at:




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