Intro to the

High School Homeschooling

Section of the Article Chart


And now we come to the ever-popular topic of homeschooling through HIGH SCHOOL!  In this section you will find several articles that will deal with many of the "issue" that keep many from even considering (for more than about five minutes) homeschooling all the way through to Graduation.  What a shame.  I believe that the biggest culprit is lies we believe.  Now, some people, I've found, don't want to know the truth about their lies.  This section is not for you because lies are going to be revealed left and right, and you may very well be left with the stark truth that homeschooling all the way through high school is almost invariably the very best choice for your child - even IF you could afford the very best private school in the world!  You couldn't pay me enough to not have homeschooled our two oldest all the way through!  (Our youngest is only 13, so she's not there yet.)  So, the question that remains is:


Do you DARE to read the

articles in this section?!?


WARNING:  The present condition of your and your student's life (assuming you aren't yet homeschooling) is greatly at risk if you do!    :-)    (And if you are, the present state of your "Fear Factor" is about to drop!)




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