Am I Doing More
Harm Than Good?
Is it time to
stop homeschooling
and just
put them in school?
Teresa Ward
Barbara Edtl
Dear Teresa,
My name's
Teresa Ward and I'm Barb Shelton's online secretary, list shepherdess,
student, and best of all, friend. I am so blessed to be able to help
her, by helping you!!
When I began homeschooling, I had the same thought as you, I'd do this
until I was doing more harm than good. I've since found that if I do
nothing but love my children all day, then I am doing more good than
harm, and I'm doing more good than anyone else can possibly do.
I feel you are probably in an anticlimactic situation with the recent
marriage of your daughter. Suddenly you realize how short the years
really are, and you've been busy with all the wedding planning, and
now you're in a state of panic. Good! Now that God has your
attention... <G> ...take a deep breath & relax!!! He knows what's
going on with you, and He knows the good land of milk & honey where He
wishes to lead you.
You're in the first right place...Barb's
Here you will find many refreshing articles. They will calm & soothe
your soul, and give your academic muscles a good massage! <G> You
will find your mind renewed as to what God really considers an
education, which is far different than how the world defines it. This
is not to say that you've been wrong thus far, but now He has you
where He can lead you to a new pasture.
Please don't be afraid that any of your children are *behind.* That
thinking assumes that children learn along a straight continuum,
instead of how they really learn. It also assumes that everyone is
the same, while we know each one is created as a unique
individual...never been another one like him, and never will there be
While you get yourself along the "Season of Re-Education and Renewing
the Mind"
your children can be doing their own renewal with "Productive Free
Time." This just means that they aren't vegging out in front of
electronics while you're learning. <G> Here is a page of ideas:
Barb also wrote a book called "The Homeschool Jumpstart Navigator for
Younger Children" to give you some ideas of productive things for
younger children to do while you are Renewing Your Mind. The
Jumpstart Navigator for Older Children is now part of "Senior High: A
Home-Designed Form+U+La," a book you'll want to get ASAP.
Now, I'm sure you've already learned from reading some of the articles
at Barb's website, that this is NOT school-at-home. And your
experience with homeschooling probably is, and certainly it is most
likely that other local homeschoolers actually do school-at-home.
That makes it hard to find support for this new (really old) way of
thinking about education (really discipleship). Guess what? God's
already got that covered, too!!!!
There are several email lists based upon Barb's writings for high
schoolers and for younger children. You can read about them here:
And you can join by clicking on the appropriate links. Feel free to
join as many as you like. <G> They are places to go to ask
questions of those who have already experienced what you're going
through & can point you in the right direction, which is God of
course, but they'll give you some wonderful examples & advice to help
you along! I sure hope to see you there SOON!!!!
Please feel free to write back to me if something doesn't make sense,
or you need some other kind of help.
Teresa in WV
List Shepherdess
DEAR Teresa,
Bless your heart, dear sister!!!!!!!! I'm so glad you
wrote!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! God has you in JUST the place He wants
you, and *has* wanted to get you for a long time, I imagine.
:-) I'm sorry I don't remember you, but might if I met you in
person again. But no matter; the Lord has brought our paths
together for a purpose, so let's start on finding out what that
{{ I am in desperate need of help as I have lost my vision, desire,
and control of my situation. I wondered if you have a "for pay"
service that would help evaluate my children's educational needs
and/or lack of essential knowledge.}}..................You don't
need to have your children evaluated, as far as I'm concerned. You
need to "renew your mind." Start with
this article
at my website:
At the very bottom of that article it says (below and above a row of
For an overview of my course, start
Read that page next (after reading the whole "Help!..." article),
and THEN read the link about "Season
of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind."
{{ I wonder sometimes if they are maybe 1-2 years behind where they
should be.}}..................Read this article next:
The Heart of Testing and Grade Placing
{{For that I feel so ashamed. I always told myself that I would
continue to homeschool until I felt that I was doing more harm than
good. I must admit that is where I am at in my thinking at this
time. I have been feeling the extreme guilt of doing my children
intellectual damage, and just need to do something to fix it or turn
it around.}}...................Oooooooooooh TERESA!!! The Lord
wants to change all this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{{ I need to be pointed in the right direction or get some solid
advice.}}...................OK, THAT is what my course, which I have
called "A Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind will do.
You don't need a quick seminar or a "good talk" from me; you need a
transformation of your MIND; how you *think*; how you SEE... If you
actually think that putting your children into public or even
private school is better for them than homeschooling, then your
thinking is waaaay off ~ unless your home is abusive, or (truly)
negligent. And if there *are* some lacks, then rather than putting
your children in school, you need to stop where you're at, hear the
Lord (which you already ARE!), and allow Him to begin this process
of "transforming you by the renewing of your mind" ~ and your HEART
will get transformed and healed in the process!!!
{{ I know you are so busy, so am I. That's part of my problem. I am
so time taxed.}}..................Part of my course is focused on
helping you in that area!!!
{{ I would be so thrilled to feel hopeful once again about my
children's education.}}...................YES!!!!! That perfectly
describes the heart of my ministry!!!
{{ I appreciate any info you could
give.}}...................Thoroughly and prayerfully reading all the
above articles is where *I* suggest you start! I have included
Teresa, one of my online secretaries in with this response so that
she can give you a bit more direction and encouragement. She will
also invite you to join one or more of the lists that are based on
my message. Teresa, meet Teresa; and Teresa, meet Teresa!!!!!!
;-D [big group hug: {{{8o}}} ]
Subj:Please help...
Date:3/30/2005 9:33:09 AM Pacific Standard Time
Sent from the Internet
Hi Barb,
My name is Teresa Freese. I am a homeschooling mom of 7. My oldest
is recently married, so make that a hs mom of 6. We have
homeschooled for
12-13 years and moved to the Winlock area about 6 yrs ago. I have
met you
before and we have a mutual friend, Melissa Philbrook, who speaks
so highly
of you.
I am in desperate need of help as I have lost my vision, desire,
and control
of my situation. I wondered if you have a "for pay" service that
would help
evaluate my children's educational needs and/or lack of essential
I wonder sometimes if they are maybe 1-2 years behind where they
should be.
For that I feel so ashamed. I always told myself that I would
continue to
homeschool until I felt that I was doing more harm than good. I
must admit
that is where I am at in my thinking at this time. I have been
feeling the
extreme guilt of doing my children intellectual damage, and just
need to do
something to fix it or turn it around. I need to be pointed in
the right
direction or get some solid advice.
I know you are so busy, so am I. That's part of my problem. I am
so time
I would be so thrilled to feel hopeful once again about my
education. I appreciate any info you could give.
Sincerely,Teresa Freese (295-3355)
