"Quiet Time" seems to be a challenge for Christians.  It's not necessarily that they don't want to do it; it's just that they don't know what to do.  So I have put together a list of simple ideas for what you can do in your Quiet Time with God!  For parents and teens down through about junior high age.


The first thing you need to understand (and make sure your child understands) is that this is not "law."  Neither is it a "To Do" list for Quiet Time.  And it is not "the best way to do it."    ;-)    Just my own ideas.





You as the parent will want to try it out first.  Just go through and actually do some of the things that you are comfortable with.  Then go through and do those things that you aren't  comfortable with, in your own style and with your own words and emphasis.  Allow yourself to really experience these things in your heart, and not just DO them merely to say you did them.   :-)


Then,  when you feel ready, sit down with your child and share the list ~ along with your own thoughts (not just Barb's) ~ with him or her.  Allow for questions and input!  This could be a very good discussion, and you might even get some new ideas and new insights into your child.  If anything seems "too hard," either explain it further, or tell them to not worry about it.  This is intended to bring us closer to God and each other, not be a wedge!  


You may (or may not) want to try doing it (or just one or two of the activities) together, one on one, or even as a family.  This is just a springboard.





It's actually supposed to be bookmarker-size so it can fit nicely into your Bible.  But this is a bit large for that, as I can't get my font any smaller than what's below. So if you want it to be a smaller-than-this-size bookmarker, just cut and paste the text into your own word processing program, into a table (box), (mine is about 2.5 inches wide by about 6 inches long), and reduce the font size.  Mine is 6 point, but it'll vary according to the particular font you use. (Keep in mind that, when going that small, you don't want a font that's fancy or it's very difficult to read -- which is the whole point!    ;-)    Use something clear and simple.)  


Here it is...




SIT IN JESUS' LAP - and let him speak words of love to you. "Daddy God, I rest in your arms; Jesus just hold me against your heart; Spirit, enfold me within your wings; You are my place of contentment and peace." (To the tune of: "Jesus, How Lovely You Are" – or just make up your own! )

GIVE THANKS - Thank Him for specific blessings. "I will enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart..." 

PRAISE HIM - "...I will enter His courts with praise!" for who He is and everything He has done for you!

ASK FORGIVENESS - "Forgive us our sins..." Be specific as the Holy Spirit reminds you of what you need to ask forgiveness for. Consider this verse: "Who shall stand in God's holy place? He who has clean hands and a pure heart." 

SET MY WILL TO FORGIVE - "...as (meaning: "in the same manner as") we forgive those who sin against us." Help me give grace and mercy to those I live with, "neighbors," the Body, slow or rude drivers, waitresses, anyone who hurts, offends or sins against me. 

WORSHIP - He doesn't care how I sound or look! He says (in Song of Sol.) "Let me see your face, let me hear your voice, for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely." Just worship God in Spirit and truth for who He is!

ASK FOR MY DAILY BREAD - "Give [me] this day [my] daily bread": which is whatever needs You see that I have spiritually, emotionally, physically, health-wise, time-wise, etc.

PRAY for family, friends – saved and unsaved – the Body of Christ, etc. as Jesus prayed in the garden: "Keep them from the evil one... May God's joy be fulfilled in them... Keep them in God's Name... Sanctify them in the Truth." Pray favorite Scripture verses over them.

PRAY A HEDGE OF PROTECTION around all the preceding and our home, our health, our "stuff," etc.

PUT ON MY ARMOR - as set forth in Ephesians 6:10–17.

"EAT" THE WORD OF GOD - Read out of Psalms and/or Proverbs and/or the New Testament. Ask God to give me His "rema" out of His "Logos."

JOURNAL - Refer to my journal for specific lists for/of any of the above. Write in journal out of my heart, during the good and the bad times. Listen for God to speak, and write down what He speaks to me.

ROTATE DEVOTIONAL MATERIAL: a good book, ongoing prayer lists, further journaling, time in other areas of the Bible, communing with God... how ever He leads!








"My heart has heard You say:

'Come and talk with Me, oh my people,'


and my heart responds

'Lord, I am coming!'"










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