I often I hear from people wanting to know what to do if they want to take their child out of school for just one or two years ~ or even one or two months ~ fix them (bring them up to grade level, adjust some attitudes, settle them down, whatever), and then put them back in school. While each parent and family is free to do as they wish, I have a few things to say in response to this...
First, may I gently suggest that what you are really looking into is not "true education" or what I would call "homeschooling," but rather merely "doing school at home" or "tutoring"? I would encourage you to be open to God enlarging your vision and ask Him to open your eyes (further than you have known up until now) to what He may have in mind for you. I think you may be in for some eye-opening but wonderful surprises!
It is very likely that God is using this situation to get you "in the door." Don't try to keep one foot in said door, or you may miss out on some changes that will be life to you and your family!
Or another way to look at it is that He may be trying to get HIS foot into the door of an area of your life that, until now, has not really been under His care or influence. That truth may hurt, but God's tender care for us is SO worth any pain we may feel as we experience his "surgeon's knife" in our lives.
Also, I need to tell you that what I have to offer you (in my writings, in particular) is not really going to help you if you are intent only on getting set up to do "school at home" as what I offer is for those who are looking at this as a long-range lifestyle, not as just a "stop-gap" or "fix 'em up and then put 'em back in" measure.
God's ways are deep and thorough, and take time; He does not do "quick fixes" just because we think we don't have time to do it His way, or in His timing.
I decided a few years ago that I could no longer help people just "do the system." Therefore I do not offer any connections to curriculum companies. They are easy enough to find. Even if you go with my approach to education, you may use some curriculum. But it's so easy to get sidetracked onto the curriculum track (more like "trap"!) because it's sooo attractive, and looks SO good, and, in integrity, I do not wish to help you go there.
What I offer is much more important than "curriculum" whether you are just starting to homeschool... or RE-starting to homeschool, having burned out... or wanting to homeschool for only a short time, having come to some sort of crisis in your life or home. What I offer is not my own, but only what God has given me. Which is LIFE and FREEDOM!
Even if curriculum was all you thought you were looking for, I would like to invite you to read through as many of the articles in the Article Chart here at my website as you can! If I didn't think it would be worth it, or that it would pretty much just totally change your thinking (and give hope where hope is dwindling), I wouldn't suggest it. But I know it will!
And I know that, if you let God take over the steering wheel of your child's education ~ totally, without giving Him any "if's, and's, or but's," without arguing, without limiting Him, then you ARE in for some wonderful things!
I got the photo for the title graphic at Pixabay.