of the
Homeschool Guide-a-log
by Barb Shelton
Listed below is the Table of Contents of the Homeschool Guide-a-log. Not every item is a link. (If it's blue and underlined, it's a link.) This page started out being just a list of what's in the book so that people could see what all it contains before purchasing. However we are now in the process of getting it all online. Please be patient, and check back again for more links.
Click here to go to the catalog write-up for this book. (It can be ordered from there.) For a list of ALL the main links here at our website, go to the very bottom of this page.
the meantime, if you want ALL the articles in the Homeschool Guide-a-log, it
is only $7 (+$4 s/h), so at least that's available for anyone who really wants the whole thing.
(If you have a hard time paying for it, consider it a way to keep our ministry going, because that's exactly what it is.
Introductory Stuff
[on computer] Letter from Barb (PLEASE READ!!!!) ~ vii–viii
(A) For Those Just Starting (or RE-starting) Out
[???] Explanation ~ A-1 Article: "Help! I Need to Homeschool But Have NO Idea Where to Start!" by Barb Shelton Article: "But Aren't Schools the Best Place to Learn?" by Michael Pearl Excerpts: "The True Nature of Public Education" by John Taylor Gatto Article: "The Great Escape" by Geoffrey Botkin Article: "Helpful Stuff to Know Before Taking Your Child Out of School" by Barb Article: "Bringing Them Home - by Janie Lavine Article: "Letter of Encouragement to Reluctant Homeschool Kids from Sharnessa"
(B) Season of Re-Education & Renewing of the Mind
Explanation of Barb Shelton's Homeschool Course Season of Re-education & Renewing of the Mind - Course Contents Outline Article: "Decide to Be a Homeschooled Mom" by Marilyn Howshall Article: "The Stitchery" Article: "Review of Wisdom's Way of Learning" by Bev Krueger Article: "The Biblical S.A.T.'s of Learning by Marilyn Howshall Article: "To Dads Only" from Barb Article: "The Purpose of Education" (and what it is NOT)
(C) For Parents with Children of All Ages
Explanation of Resources for Parents with Children of All Ages Article: "So What About Prepared Curriculum? by Barb Shelton Article: "A Closer Look at Socialization Issues" by Dr. Fred Worth [???] Comments: From Readers on How Barb and Marilyn's Books Minister ~ C-7–8 Comments on Field Trips & Extra-Curricular Activities (and Barb and Marilyn's stuff in general ~ from a Homeschool Mom [FIND ON COMPUTER] "Q's and A's to Stressed-Out, Burned-Out, Fearful Moms" by Barb ~ C-10–11 Article: "My Home School Legacy" by Homeschool Graduate Abigail West
(D) For Parents with Children Age 12 and Under (and some stuff for the kids too!)
Explanation: Intro to "Resources for Parents with Kids Ages 4 - 12" Comments: Comments on Barb's Stuff for Younger Children Article: "Loosen Up!" by Camilla Leedahl
(E) Intro-Only to the Jumpstart Plan for Younger Kids
[FIND] Explanation of the basic idea in the Jumpstart Navigator Book ~ E-1–2 Code Keys to the Smorgasbord of Real-Life Learning Activities ~ E-3 The "Smorgasbord of Real-life Learning Activities": (NOTE: This is not online but is in the Jumpstart Navigator. It is a separate book that is required reading for the course, anyway, so it did not need to be put online. Here are the categories in the "Smorgasbord" ~ which is actually 6 pages.)
(F) For Senior/Junior High School Age
Explanation: Resources for Relationship With & Discipline of Kids Article: "Faith Walking through High School" by Barb Shelton Article: "What to Do About Senior High!" by B F-10–12 Comments from Readers about Senior High Form+U+la [TYPE] Review of Form+U+la by Cathy Duffy [TYPE] Letter: On Form+U+la from Lee Hunter ~ F-18 Four Things I Like Best About Form+U+la by Sue Howe [TYPE] Letter: On Form+U+la from Debbi C. ~ F-20 A Review of Form+U+la by Julie Lofurno ~ F-21 [TYPE] Review: Of Form+U+la by Linda West ~ F-22–23 Testimonies from 3 Homeschooling Moms about Lab Science~ by Donna Heck, Peggy Flint, and Amy Beckel [NOTE: The Letter on the Lab Science Book from Peggy Flint is now included in the 3 testimonies on this book.]
Reader Comments on Lab Science Book by several homeschool moms [TYPE] "Testimony On Barb's Message" by C.J. England ~ F-27 Intro to the Senior High Form+U+la List Article: "Is Running Start (or "Dual Enrollment") Really a Homeschool Option?" by Barb Shelton [???] Article: "Senior High Tools 'n' Jewels" by Barb ~ F-32–34
(G) Jumpstart Plan for Senior High (and older Jr. High)
[???] Explanation ~ G-1 Jumpstarting Your High Schooler! (Directions) ~ G-2 Jumpstart Class Ideas for Senior/Junior High School
Explanation of Class Plans or "Assignment Check-off Sheets" to follow ~ G-9 Biblical & Spiritual Studies A.C.S. (Assignment Check-off Sheet) ~ G-10 Computer Skills Survey ~ G-11 Educational Foundations A.C.S. ~ G-12 English A.C.S. ~ G-13 Home & Life Management Skills A.C.S. ~ G-14
Lab Science Survey (and Basic Scientific Literacy) A.C.S. ~ G-20 Living Expenses Comparison Study (for Math) ~ G-21 Social Studies A.C.S. ~ G-22
(H) To Enhance Relationship with and Discipline of Children
Explanation: Resources for Relationship With & Discipline of Kids Article/Excerpt: "Understanding the Childish Nature" by Michael and Debi Pearl Article/Excerpt: "Goals of Child Training" by Reb Bradley Article/Excerpt: "Goals of (and Books on) Child Training" (now renamed "True Success in Child Training") by Marilyn Howshall Article/Excerpt: "Changing the Heart of a Rebel" by Dr. S.M. Davis
(I) For Mom's Personal R & R (& R)
Explanation: Resources for Mom's R & R & R Article: "My Humble Thoughts on Losing Weight, Exercise and Weigh Down" by Barb Shelton
(J) Spiritual Edification & Deepening Your Walk with God
Explanation: Resources for Mom's Spiritual Edification Article: "Hearing God 101" by Barb Shelton Article: "Walking by the Spirit" by Marilyn Howshall Article: "So What Are You Doing for God?" by Barb Shelton (It may appear that I have very little on the "spiritual," but it is actually woven throughout everything!)
(K) Romance & Relationships God's Way
Explanation Resources for Romance and Relationships God's Way Article: ""From My Heart" by Barb Shelton Article: "What Is Dating? What Is Courtship?" by Nathan Bailey List: "The Problems with Dating" compiled by Nathan Bailey
(L) Legal Issues & Testing (with portions for Washington State, some of which out-of-staters will even enjoy!)
Explanation: Intro to the "Resources for Legal Issues" catalog section Article: "Obeying the Law, Testing, and Qualifying to Homeschool" by Barb Shelton Article: "The Heart of Testing" by Barb Shelton Excerpts on Testing - from "For the Children's Sake" from For the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer MacAulay Article/Explanation: "Washington State's Homeschool Law" by Barb Shelton [type] Newspaper Article on "Search-It-Out History Book" (+ Newspaper Photo of Barb, her Dad, & Sharnessa) ~ L-13–14 [TYPE] Flyer on Washington State History & Government: The Search-It-Out Route (same book) L-15 [SCAN PICS AND DO NEW WEB PAGE] Back cover of same book ( + Olde-tyme Photo of Barb and her Dad ) ~ L-16
(M) Ordering Information and Forms
Article: "Frugal vs. Cheap" by Barb Shelton Article: "Why Don't You Discount? by Elijah Company (And "amen'd" by us!) [???] "The Way We Handle Doing the Course with a Group" ~ M-8 Season of Re-education & Renewing of the Mind - Course Contents Outline