"You might be pleased to know that I just got done reading your
outstanding book. ... I was so excited!! (But you've probably heard that
a million or billion times already!) I knew from reading the posts on
SHF-L List and your site that I
was going to like it but had no idea how much I was going to LOVE it!
Thank you for opening your heart to yet one more organizationally
yearning Christian mother! Now, of course, I'll have to buy your
book! There is no way that my friend is going to let go of her
copy of Form+U+la.
I know for certain that I cannot live without having your book for
constant reference. I had already dabbled with my own system of making
hours out of real life but your book was so much more. You have saved me
about 10 years of brain mush and hours and hours of hard work with that
book. A mere "Thank you" (or minimal financial gain) is hardly enough
for the work that you put into that book"!
~ Rhonda; homeschooling mom of 3 for 4 years; Paris, Missouri
"I wanted to let you know that I'm swallowing your entire book
(Senior High Form+U+la) like a huge dose of chocolate! Thanks!"
~ Diane Leasure; homeschool mom of 2 girls in WA state
"I was so nervous about starting high school. We just finished our first year of homeschooling so I am just a rookie at this. The idea of high school at home was causing quite a bit of fear in me. (That is the understatement of the century!!) I got Barb's book and read it cover to cover. It will take you some time to do this (but well worth it). I knew I had been spending a great deal of time in the book when I dreamed about Barb and Tory one night. (Seriously, I did!!) The book is such a blessing. It lays aside any fears you could possibly
have about the high school endeavor. And what freedom!! To know that we have four years of discovery, discipleship and fun ahead of us is quite a change in attitude from just a couple of months ago. Barb has laid out her life in front of us in such a way that you feel like you have spent time with a dear friend. Her heart is so evident in the book but you have to read it all to get it. (NO SKIMMING ALLOWED!!)
I am now looking forward to the high school journey because it is no
longer intimidating but just an extension of our lives. Barb shows that
it doesn't have to be overwhelming or something to be feared. I have to
wholeheartedly agree with Barb when she said "Please do not sign up for
ANY program until after you have read it cover to cover, maybe even a
couple of times through ~ only because you can't really take it all in
the first time, when your ideas are still in the "gelatinous,
getting-transformed" phase. After the Lord has started changing them,
you will see everything differently and feel quite differently about
it." Don't make the investment in a "canned" curriculum. I truly
believe you won't be sorry for reading her book first. ~
Donna C., homeschool mom of 3
"Entering the high school years never intimidated me even though I don't
understand algebra and couldn't pass chemistry to save my life! I believe
this is a result of reading Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la by Barbara Shelton well
before we got there. This book helped us set up a plan looking at all of life's learning as
potential school credit. Legos, Labrador Retrievers, and yes, even laundry
are real life and full of educational opportunities. They are not just extra
credit with Formula. "High School is fun!" my son said. I agree. Bless you Barb, for writing it!"
~ Lorrie Flem, publisher of TEACH
Magazine, a magazine for Christian homeschooling moms. I, Barb, contribute to each issue.)
the homeschool community here in Raleigh, North Carolina loves your
book. Thanks again for the freedom Christ gives through it."
~Julia Harris, homeschooling mom of 2 for 9 years
"Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la is a must-have for homeschooling the
high schooler. We just started high school (in March) with our oldest daughter and I actually just started reading and using the book last November. I am recommending to all my friends to start
reading this book while their children are in junior high! We have never taught our children using a traditional textbook approach and, though I guess you could say we use a "packaged" curriculum because we use Sonlight, I was still confused as to how I was going to record all of this for credits in
high school. Barb's book helped me see my daughter's education in a whole different light. It challenged me to rethink traditional
high school credits. It taught me to include the real life experiences in those credits. There is an abundance f record keeping forms to help you keep track of credits and to help you end up with an impressive transcript and portfolio.
It has already helped my daughter be independent in her studies. It is fun to see her tackling her books and finishing projects in her own initiative. I am grateful that Barb has shared her wonderful and creative ways of educating children. Thanks Barb!!
~Cyndi Clack; Homeschooling Mom of 8
just purchased your Senior High Form+U+la and LOVE it. I have been
dreading high school, feeling inadequate, unprepared and totally
ignorant of what to do. Through word of mouth I found your book. After
reading it for only a couple hours I had complete peace about the next
four years...and actually I can't wait to get started. I have ripped it
apart, literally, to put it into a more usable notebook form, and am
working on digesting all the material. ... I just bought your Lab
Science book, also. I am telling everyone I know about these books. They
are so easy to read and I love the way you write. I felt like you were
in the room with me and we were laughing together is some parts, crying
in others." ~Dawna R.; homeschool mom of 2 for 8 years in NJ
"I was so disappointed to have come to the end of your book, as
reading was such a joy and felt like I was being ministered to by a
friend." ~Rhonda Q.; WA
"Dear Barb, I'm sold on your Senior High: A Home-Designed
Form+U+la! It is very easy, enjoyable reading; you have made it
very understandable, and the humor is great! This past year, which has
not been the first year of homeschooling for us, but the first year of
high school, has been a disaster. I thought that since it was high
school now, we needed to buckle down, take the textbooks 'by the horns'
and just DO IT. The joy went right out the window. But then a friend
loaned me your manual. I took it home and spent the next couple of days
reading it cover to cover. It was like God was trying to tell me
something. I'm convinced this is exactly what we need." ~Karen S.;
"I'd like to thank you for your wonderful senior high book. I love
your conversational style, and, as your reviewers have stated, this was
so filled with Jesus... I really love your approach to subjects such as
Fine Arts, Home Ec, Life Skills, etc.; spreading them out over the
course of high school. This is a fantastic approach and is really the
way it should be done. I love your forms for tallying hours. This keeps
the pressure off of everyone to cram everything into a short period of
time. And finally, your insights into creating "classes" or
"units" within "courses" is invaluable for truly
customizing high school courses that minister to the student while
fulfilling content requirements." ~Megan; a Homeschool Mom
"I am sending this to you because I almost feel like I know you through your book Form+U+la. What a great help to me. I found out about homeschooling when I was pregnant with my daughter who is now 14. I have been involved in homeschooling ever since. But when she was ready for high school, I was ready to panic. I always figured I could do it, but when it actually got here, I was afraid of mistakes. Thanks!! A thousand times, Thanks!!!!!" ~Teresa W., homeschooling mom of 4, homeschooling stepmom of 3,
and now (step)grandmother of 5. Homeschooling in WV
since 1985
"I've been consuming your book ever since I received it. It is a
wonderful book and I can't wait to
start applying the things I've read
in there. It's just such a freedom to know I'm not locked into using
only textbooks for high school. This is the type of schooling I've
always envisioned doing." ~Debi B
"I am so thrilled to have discovered your book! It is a wonderful
answer to prayer! Your book outlines exactly what I've wanted to do and
AM doing, but didn't quite know how to give it authenticity and how to
record it. When I showed some of the forms to my kids, they were equally
thrilled... I was not at the panic stage, just anxiety, but I knew God
would show me how, and He did ~ through your book." (Name
"I'm always so encouraged when I read your materials. I really
appreciated reading in your materials that we shouldn't allow FEAR to
keep us from homeschooling through high school. I know that's where I'm
at right now. I've only just discovered the freedom in an eclectic
approach to homeschooling. I am developing my own educational
philosophies and would like to continue with them through high school.
But I go through serious self-doubts of my qualifications to plan a high
school curriculum and feel that I may have to compromise and go with a
more traditional curriculum. I look at the textbooks and they look so
tedious and boring. I really want to do things a different way. When I
read your materials and book, it gives me hope. I have two years before
son hits high school and I plan to do my homework. I'm praying a lot
about this. Anyway, just wanted to say thank you." ~Cheryl in
"Barbara's book Sr. High Form+U+la is like having many
conversations with a good friend. It's not an easy read, definitely not
meant to be read in one sitting, however, it is inspirational, funny and
I've found it to be very helpful." (Name
"We have been homeschooling for a little more than 5 years. I
bought and devoured Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la this spring
and I can't tell you how it eased the burden I was preparing to shoulder
"all by myself" about getting into "high school."
Thanks Barb We are so excited about learning more about what God is
leading us to!" ~Amy
B.; WA
"I was dreading next year (our first year of high school} so much, but after reading your books I am getting so excited at the possibilities. I have started my season of re-education and didn't realize it until I started reading the books. My eyes have been opened up to so much. I am now seeking God's will, and not trying to do it on my own. Thank you for your great books!" ~
Dawn Stringer (Visit
her homeschool website! But be sure to come right back!
"It is comforting to me to have a "Barb" amongst "Marilyn's" (Lifestyle of Learning) material.
I feel Barb's "go", her constantly changing
charts (even if it's just a different "dot" for her bullets), her overflow of
ideas, her interest in LEARNING is SO apparent!!! Barb, you make me feel like I can do this!!! ... WE are the only high school homeschoolers I know
that are not doing "school at home" like the [unnamed] videos or
something. They mostly look at me clueless when I mention
that we probably won't partake in the science fair this year cuz we are not
science this year!!! HORRORS!" ~Sis C.; WA
have to say that your message and materials have given our homeschool a
new lease on life!!! The Lord has used you so many ways to remind me
that HE is in control and I have been blessed by HIS leading in my life
beyond words that I can express." ~ Phyllis N.;
homeschooling mom in Mass.