Senior & Junior

High School


In this section I present what I consider to be some of the best resources for High School.  The first section of this section presents books for parents. May I suggest that, if you plan on homeschooling through high school, you not stop at just one or two, but plan on getting them all? The money you will save on buying more prepared curriculum (i.e. text and workbooks) than you really need will more than pay for these few books that I recommend here!  But you will need to read them before getting all that curriculum so that you'll have the freedom and tools to use them wisely and freely. 


In the remainder of this section you'll find many wonderful books that will comprise some major portions of many high school classes. We have used many, but not all of these resources. Some I found "after the fact," but wanted to make them available to you anyway. 


To see how all or any of these books actually fit into our academic plans, see section 6-D "Completed Class Plans" of my book, Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la. In that section I present all of our "state of the art" plans for each of Tory's high school classes!




Back to the above section:



I got this border at:             

(and she even customized it for me!)





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