High Form+U+la)
Email List

Barb Shelton
"This is the most wonderful,
Godly group of women that I have ever met -
online or in person!" ~ Tina
"I am just really glad to
have found this list
and Form+U+la. Without
them I would be totally drowning in fear and confusion.
Nice to
know I have somewhere
to turn."
~ Robin
SHF-L list, short for "Senior High Form+U+la List," is an
automated email "list" or "conference"
that is based on my book, Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la.
I mean by "automated" is that all the sending of posts is done
automatically rather than manually. For example, you can send a
post, the same post in this case, to 50 different people either
"manually" by typing in all 50 email addresses you want it to
go to; OR you can do it via an automated email list (like SHF-L) by
sending it to the hub address where it automatically sends that one post
out to everyone who is currently subscribed to that list! Which do
you think is easier!?! Yes, the automated method! In fact,
having done both, I will never be on a non-automated list again!
People are continually joining and pulling out, and we were continually
adding and deleting email addresses. What a pain! Thanks to
Larry Wilson (a minister) who invited me to be part of this, this SHF-L
list was set up (by him) and it's now smooth sailing!
TO GO TO FOR HELP: Thanks to my dear
friends and helpers, Patti
and Teresa, the list is
continuing to
exist! These two gals are my "list shepherdesses" who
act as my
"Right Hand (Wo)men." Without them, I could not continue
to be part of the list only because the burden of the behind-the-scenes
tasks would be too burdensome. So if you want to drop them a quick
"thank you" for all they do, or if you have any questions
about or
trouble joining the list, please contact either
or Teresa.
a message from Amy,
of my previous (wonderful) list
SHF-L list has been SO refreshing,
inspiring, encouraging, helpful, and just plain fun in the years
that I've been a part of it ~ those ladies truly are my major
support group. The range of wisdom and experience there is
astounding, and the ladies are always glad to share! Barb,
her books, and the loop have truly helped our homeschooling to
be SO MUCH FUN! And I have the blessing of a graduated
daughter, who (along with her fiancé) is committed to
homeschooling her own children, should God give them any. I
firmly believe that this would NOT be so if God had not set me
in the path of *freedom*, largely through Barb. ...
And my sons are reaping the benefits also as they enter their
high school years... So, although I don't know your particular
situation, I have confidence in saying to you, "Be
encouraged! This will be GREAT!!" And again, you're invited
to come on in and sit down in a comfy chair in the SHF-L
Amy in WA

few e-mails from the list:
introduce you to this SHF-L email list, I went back through
several posts I've saved over the years since we started, and pulled out the following
excerpts. (I have not included any last names to protect the privacy of
those who prefer to remain private.)
I love this
list (as well as the other ones based on Barb's message) because I
really feel like you all are there for me, for encouragement when I
am down, inspiration when I feel
stuck, gentle admonishment when I am in error, and just an
all-around friendship, albeit over the web. When I read your posts
I can imagine you sitting at my table having t ea
or coffee, and us having a nice visit. I like that.

In addition to her book, Form+U+la,
Barb also
has an email
list that has just blessed the socks off me
with the support, encouragement and advice that comes from there. I feel
like I have known her for years, she is wonderful and the book is
wonderful also. I suggest you go to her website and explore, chockfull of
info and you will even see some samples from the book. ... I felt like you did last
year [which was overwhelmed and afraid to do high school]; this year I feel

I just want to tell you how much this list means to me. Between this and your books and
Marilyn Howshall's Lifestyle of Learning newsletters, my life is being changed and my heart drawn closer to God. I am sooooooo thankful for you and the other ladies on this list. I can read the books and newsletters
but unless I have someone to bounce these things off on, I struggle with
how to apply the information to my own life and family. I NEED this
list! THIS is my support group! I am in such a different place than all
the other homeschoolers I know that I would be feeling really lonely if
it wasn't for this list. Thank you for spending so much of your time to
provide this for us and all your wonderful information and wisdom! You
are truly a blessing in my life!
(Anonymous) |

I unsubscribed from all my lists for the summer except yours!!!
I love Senior High Form+U+la!
When I go camping I take several
books along to read and yours has traveled with me all summer!!
Thanks so much.
in Christ, Donna J. |

attended the homeschool conference you spoke at in June and
purchased your Form+U+La
Book. I have been reading
the e-mails from the Form+U+la list. I have looked up your
catalog on your web page at the "Our Home Our School"
site. After reading your book I was so blessed. I'm on my second
time through and am trying to get what ever I need found and
copied and set in order. My 14-year-old daughter and 16-year-old
son are in the process of reading your book as well. God is my
greatest counselor. In your book you talk about a season of
drawing close to God for the purpose of letting Him do a work in
my heart and that the season of drawing close may feel a
wilderness. I thought that my wilderness season was coming to an
end, but when I heard your "Choosing Your Own Sr. High
Framework..." seminar and read your book, I guess the Lord
is now telling me I've only scratched the surface. From all the
discussion I've read on the SHF-L list, and the bit of info in
your catalog, I think I need to read Wisdom's Way of Learning
next. If I understand correctly, it doesn't apply only to
homeschooling but to every aspect of our life as we walk and
grow with the Lord. (YES!) I cannot pass on to my children what
does not reside in me. Meaning, if it's not in my heart and
hanging as fruit on my tree then I sure can't expect to see it
in my children. Have I got it? [From Barb: Yes, dear sister!
You've GOT it!]
Houger; WA ( |

have learned sooo much from you already with your Lab Science
Book, Form+U+la, and the SHF-L list. You have no idea how much more
confidence I feel now to continue in the way I felt led to mentor
my many blessings from the Lord (a.k.a. "children"!)
had great fears that I would have to resort to textbook teaching
(gasp) for the high school years in order to make it work with our
very own learning lifestyle. Besides, the lessons I've learned
from you are applicable to all my children at any level. – not
just high school! I must thank you again for dedicating yourself
to this ministry. For those homeschooling with an eternal
perspective, your books are such a blessing.
Christian love, Luz (mom of 6) |