HELP!!! I need to homeschool, (or am burning out) but I have NO idea where to start!!! (or RE-start!)
Whether you are just starting to look into homeschooling, or have been doing it for some time and are now disillusioned, OD'd, maxed out, frustrated, and/or burning out, you need to begin at the same place. That's why I have brought both "newbies" and "burning out-ers" here to the same place. The "windows" ~ shall we say "windows of opportunity" ~ are different, but they both enter into the same "room." This "room" is really more aptly thought of as a pasture, like the green one in Psalm 23 that the Lord makes us lie down in and rest. And that "resting place" is where you will lay down your previously held ideas, and allow the Lord to help you get your focus on the right things, your mind renewed as to what His idea of education truly is.
If all you want is to know where to get (different) curriculum...
...then you are in the wrong place...
curriculum is not where you need to begin. And you're going
to save yourself a lot of time, money and frustration if you will
If you want your life changed, your relationships with and between your kids sweetened, your home life more peaceful, and for yourself and your family to become truly "educated" and have a real and living walk with the Real and Living God...
...then you are in the right place!
If you become teachable and open to the Lord, you'll save yourself a lot of heartache. I suggest you start here with the remainder of this article (which is really a whole booklet), and then move on to the "Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind" area and the Article Chart. I have literally given you a book online here, covering many facets that will help get you off to a good start or RE-start, first laying a foundation upon which everything else will be built or RE-built. If your foundation is "curriculum" you will, in a few years or months, reap the shallow fruit of having skipped the truly important things, and I will most likely hear from you again (as I have many) but you will have much more redeeming to do and will have wasted a lot of money.
Click on the pink window below to go to the actual "Help!" article now. (Or if you've already read that, click on the heart wreath to get to the Article Chart; on the picture to get back to the Homeschool Guide-a-log Table of Contents.)
The two window scenes, heart wreath,
and the floral background are from:
The blinking smiley face is from: