Resources for

Relationship With


Discipline of Children



Before the academic aspect of homeschooling begins, it is vitally important that the relationship between parent and child be in good, working condition. The academics are about 10% of true education; character development about 90%! Yet how commonly these two figures are reversed!  When this area of relationships with and discipline of our children is healthy, the academic part will be a breeze, and much more effective!


I have chosen a few good books that will help you create (if you're just starting out) or adjust (if you're not happy with the fruit you're seeing in your children or experiencing in your home) your child training and disciplining/discipling approach.  Even though they are all on the same general topic, each book offers a unique focus, with each author offering their own perspective and experience.  Together these will help you build a solid foundation for developing your own convictions about and approach to child raising. Enjoy not only the reading, but also applying the life-changing truths in your own home!


See also "True Success in Child Training" by Marilyn Howshall for further (excellent) insight on this topic!




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(and she even customized it for me!)





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