
for Parents with Children

of All Ages


This section contains a wide variety of wonderful resources (or I wouldn't be carrying them) that will perform a variety of functions: One will introduce you to the heart 'n' soul of our message (and is actually a door into it); others will give you ideas for field trips, socialization, but also wisdom in coming and going!  Still others are excellent tools to help uproot the "old" and implement the "new" in your thinking about education, and a few will just be a great encouragement to help you along the homeschool path. 


And please remember that just because an item is not designated as being part of my course ("Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind"), that doesn't mean I don't highly recommend it!  I simply had to come to some limits on what to include in the course, but every one of these books is excellent!




Back to the above section:



I got this border at:             

(and she even customized it for me!)





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