About Our Ministry
Dave and Barb Shelton - 2009
My Homeschool Background & Experience
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We have been married since
July 19, 1975 and we homeschooled starting in 1982 – 24 years as of our
ending date of February 26th,
2006, when Carlianne, our
youngest, graduated from our homeschool ~ Tree of Life Learning Center, and
then Tree of Life High School. Here's a picture of all of us on that very
day ~ my last "official" day of homeschooling!
I actually never looked forward to ending that season of my life! I mean, I knew it would end, but I didn't look forward to it, anxious for it to happen. But the Lord leads us through each and every season, so rather than grieve what is no longer (for TOO awfully long), I embraced this next season with joy. ... So our homeschooling "career" has now actually ended, but not our ministry to homeschoolers!!! In fact, I am now actually FREER to minister to those the Lord brings our way!!! I am thoroughly enjoying ministering to homeschooling moms via monthly stampin' oases..
Here is a more recent picture of our family ~ at a Family Reunion this last summer (2009):
From left to right: Dave, me (Barb), Carlianne (23), Weston (2), Sharnessa's husband, Sam (32), Tory (30), Jonah (4), Tory's wife, Chrissy (30), Sharnessa (32), holding Chase (4).
Backing up almost a decade... Samuel Sandén married Sharnessa on August 19, 2000, (see Sharn and Sam's Sharnessa and Sam's Wedding page) and Chrissy became my daughter ~ oh yeah, and Tory's wife too! ~ on August 26, 2000. (see Tory and Chrissy's Wedding Page) Yes, you read that right! ~ the two weddings were one week apart! And we even lived to tell about it! In fact, it was a wonderful ~ though exhausting ~ experience! So now we have FIVE children instead of three! And three grandchildren, too!!!!!!!!!!!
My Homeschool Background & Experience:
On to our ministry... My books and seminars resulted in my inadvertently becoming a "homeschool pioneer" without ever intending to do so! I have written several books for homeschoolers, but that’s the easy part; Dave does all the producing of these books, as well as all the processing of orders. He is truly the "wind beneath my wings," my prayer support, our business manager, and an awesome dad! Together we are a team. Without my books and tapes, of course, we would have nothing to offer; but without Dave doing what he does, there would be no offering of it! (And, by the way, GOD is the wind beneath OUR wings!!!)
core of our ministry is focused on a course I offer to
parents (not kids!) on
homeschooling ~ what "true
education" is all about. It's calle
I've taught numerous homeschool seminars around Washington State since
1984, and in 1994 I "went
national" and have spoken in Massachusetts, California, Oregon,
Texas, Florida, Virginia, Oklahoma and Arizona. I do not seek out speaking engagements, but
any invitations I receive. Info on this is at my "About Barb Speaking"
page, accessible via the microphone. (Click here
for my current
As a freelance writer, I have been
published in Teaching
Home Magazine
~ I
designed a homeschool course called a "Season of Re-education and
Renewing of the Mind" (mentioned above) which is done entirely by ~ I have a Bachelors Degree in Christian Education from Triune Biblical University, have tutored primary through college grammar, and have attended numerous homeschool seminars and conventions.
I co-founded the School Biz Co-op in 1990. I coordinated over 50
field trips,
I have written seven books for homeschoolers wanting to pursue true
education and not merely imitate school at home. These include: Senior High: A Home-Designed
Form+U+la; The Homeschool Guide-a-log; Lab Science:
Wanting a non-couch-potato approach to state history, I designed a
The "main work" of our ministry is the book Senior High: A Home-Designed
But I feel my best "qualification" (after the fact that God
deemed me qualified, just like He does all homeschooling
The Heart of My Message:
of my speaking and writing is on topics of vital interest to burning-out
as well as brand new and wanna-be homeschoolers. My books and
workshops are sprinkled with humor, girded with scriptural truth, and
loaded with practical forms, ideas, and encouragement. You'll be
am especially excited about helping those needing to recover
Bear couple border by: |
The plaid heart is from: |
The typing lady and green book with turning pages are from:
(No longer in operation) |
The blinking smiley face is from: |
Book stack, green hearts, inkwell, quilt square, 3 kids, |
The house and the Daddy bear with 3 babies (personalized just for me by Helena!) are from: |
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