Barb Shelton's Speaking Schedule
(Me in my Mary Engelbreit(-on-a-shoestring) kitchen!!!!!)
Virginia (HEAV) Homeschool Convention
H.E.A.V. (Home Educators Association of Virginia) Homeschool Convention in Richmond, Virginia
Click here for information. (This web page is at a different web site, so you will need to click your BACK button to return here. As of my last check, the info on the 2004 Convention is not yet there; I will post here once it is.)
Barb's Own Homeschool Conference:
"A Day of Refreshment, Re-Focus, and Equipping"
in Kalamazoo, Michigan
Click here for all details, including location, workshop topics, registration info, price, etc.
Barb's Own Homeschool Conference:
"A Day of Refreshment, Re-Focus, and Equipping"
in San Jose, California
Click here for all details, including location, workshop topics, registration info, price, etc.
I have several other speaking engagements pending around the country, so keep checking back periodically to see any updates!
Barb Shelton's Past Speaking Engagements
Main Lobby of Homeschool Oasis
I got the lacey blue gingham heart and pink rosebuds at:
...the pink gingham wallpaper at:
...and the pink rosebud wallpaper at: