Barb Shelton's PAST Speaking Engagements
(Most recent events are at the bottom of this list.)
"Creative, Flexible Organization" workshop at my home in 1984(c)*
WA Homeschool Organization Convention
Homeschool Organization Convention
Homeschool Organization Convention
Seminar in my home in 1988(c)
Homeschool Organization Convention
Support Group Meetings in the Longview/Kelso over the past several years
Lower Columbia Community College in 1989(c)
Homeschool Organization Convention
Organization Convention in 1990
in my home in 1991(c)
Homeschool Organization Convention in 1991
REACH East Homeschool Support Group Meeting in Renton, WA in 1991(c)
Homeschool Organization Convention
and put together a Home-based Education Course for Homeschoolers in 1992
Homeschool Organization Convention
Options & Resources" video-seminar - 1989-1991
Homeschool meeting in Longview, WA in 1994
Homeschool Convention in Anaheim, CA
Convention in Fremont, CA in 1994
Homeschool Convention
Joseph, Oregon in 1995
Learning Celebration in Dallas, TX in 1995
Homeschool Convention in Spokane, WA in 1995
One-day Seminar in Houston, Texas in 1995
Curriculum Exhibition in 1996
Homeschool Convention in Yakima, WA in 1996
Curriculum Exhibition in 1996
Workshops in Portland, Oregon in 1996(c)
County Homeschool Convention in 1997
Homeschool Convention in Spokane, WA in 1997
Homeschool Convention in Spokane, WA in 1998
Kitsap Co. Homeschool Mini-Convention in Bremerton, WA in 1996
H.O.P.E. Convention in 1997
L.C.C.E.A. Homeschool Support Meeting in 1997(c)
"Choosing Your Own Sr. High Framework & Filling It With Good Stuff" at Christian Supply Stores in Portland and Beaverton, OR in 1997 and 1998
Homeschool Mom’s Retreat in Florida in 1998 (Spoke on "Hearing God 101," among other topics)
Homeschool Course: "A Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind" in 1999
Homeschool Convention in Renton, WA in 1999
Homeschool Support Meeting in 1999
at the L.C.C.E.A. meeting in Kelso, WA in March 1999
at the Clark County Home Educators meeting in January of 2000 Vancouver, WA
God's Way" at the homeschool meeting Spring of 2000 Woodland, WA
Homeschooling Through High School" Workshop at the L.C.C.E.A. meeting in October, 2000.
at Calvary Chapel La Center's annual Christmas Tea in December of 2000.
at the L.C.C.E.A. meeting in January of 2001.
with Tory and Chrissy Shelton (son and daughter-in-love) at the L.C.C.E.A. Meeting in Kelso, WA in February of 2001.
Workshop at a Homeschool Conference in Longview, WA in February of 2001.
at the annual WATCH Convention in Redmond, WA in March of 2001
Obeying the Governing Authorities" workshop at the L.C.C.E.A. meeting in April of 2001
present these four workshops at the Whatcom County Homeschool Convention on March 2, 2002:
1) "Out of Fear & Burnout; Into Focus, Freedom & Refreshment" Preparing Heart 'n' Soul 'n' Guts" Romance & Relationships"
But I became ill at the last minute and had to cancel the above speaking engagement.
to cancel a speaking engagement in 18 years of speaking!
(and one session the evening before) in Gilbert, Arizona on March 22 (evening) and 23 (all day) 2002 (Click here for info on this event. Contact Barb for info on scheduling such an event for your own group.)
(*Oregon Christian Home Education Conference) (Presented several of my workshops) August 23~24, 2002 in Beaverton, Oregon
"God and Caesar: Who Gets What? (Conviction vs. Preference)" at LCCEA Support Group October 21, 2002 in Kelso, WA
"Preparing for High School" at REACH East Support Group November 18, 2002 in Bellevue, WA
Whatcom Co. Homeschool Convention Bellingham, WA Presented:
1) "The Heart of True Education"
the High School Years"
Romance & Relationships"
Keynote Speaker at OCHEC (Oklahoma Christian Home Educators Consociation) State Homeschool Convention Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Barb's Own Homeschool Conference Las Vegas, Nevada Click here for all details, including location, workshop topics, registration info, price, etc.
Homeschool Convention in Modesto, Calif. Click here for information.
Presented the workshop: "12 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage" at a MOPS group meeting (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) in Longview, Washington
Speaker at Homeschool Conference Longview, Washington Presented my workshop: "Preparing Heart, Guts, 'n' Soul NOW to Homeschool to the END!" Plus... I and my 3 daughters, Sharnessa, Carlianne and Chrissy jointly presented: "Connecting Hearts ~ Now and Forever!" (which combined sharing on relationships between teens and parents with one song sung by all four of us and one dance performance by Sharnessa and Carlianne)
Presented my own Homeschool Conference: "A Day of Refreshment, Re-Focus, and Equipping" Anaheim, California (Click here for all details.)
* (c) = it was around that year; I didn't always keep accurate track of dates.
Main Lobby of Homeschool Oasis
~* Graphic Credits *~
I got the lacey blue gingham heart and pink rosebuds at:
...the pink gingham wallpaper at:
...and the pink rosebud wallpaper at:
59 presentations as of 7/03