for the Longview / Kelso / Kalama / Castle Rock / Woodland Toutle / Amboy / Yacolt / Vancouver Area
C.L.H.C. (Christian L.E.A.D.E.R.S.H.I.P. Homeschool Connection)
House Church; 1315 Commerce. (Click
on the stop light for a map of the area.)
We always meet on a Thursday evening, from 6:30pm to 9pm. It's
often the second
Thursday of
CHILD CARE: Due to steeply increased prices, we are no longer able to offer child care. We are very sad about this, but the prices were just beyond what we were able to cover. If your children are old enough to sit (by you) through a whole meeting without being distracting, we welcome them there. Fear not, we do not consider our children "distractions"; we just want our meetings to be an "oasis" for all parents, including whoever is speaking. (And if we don't have the same definition of "distracting," one of the leaders will have to say something ~ which, we assure you, NONE of us likes doing!!! But please have a humble and gracious response to our humble and gracious request that you take care of the "distraction" by either taking your child out of the room, or quieting them. This is a good opportunity to teach your children self control.)
BIG EVENT OF THE YEAR: Every year in May we have a "Homeschool Presentation Night in which all families are welcome and encouraged to participate. Click on that link to read all about it!
GROUP LEADERS: See this page for a list of all the leadership/servant positions in CLHC, the job descriptions of each one, and how to contact the people who are doing them.
The rest of these groups are listed in alphabetical order:
Clark County Christian Home Educators (C.C.H.E) ~Vancouver Area~ Email: Snail Mail: P.O. Box 5941 / Vancouver, WA 98668
F.A.I.T.H. ~Yacolt/Amboy Area~ 20011 NE 362nd Street / Yacolt 98675 Phone:
(360) 686-3701
First Class Homeschool Co-op:
CONTACT: Heidi St. John
Kingsman Christian ~Vancouver
Contact by Phone: Lorrie Hume: 360-573-9604 Contact by E-mail: Carol Van Boxtel:
Network of Vancouver Area Homeschoolers (N.O.V.A.H.)
Contact: Lori (and Jack) Loranger
Website: / Lori’s e-mail is Phone: (360) 837-3760
Woodland Homeschool Support Group ~Woodland / LaCenter Area~ Email: (360) 225-6173
W.A.T.C.H. (Washington Association of Teaching Christian Homes)
(Statewide) (Of service particularly to Christian homeschoolers)
Contact: Cory Lisk Email:
W.H.O. (Washington Homeschool Organization)
(Statewide) (Of service to homeschoolers of all religious orientations)
For contact listings for the whole state of Washington, click here:
WHO Region 8 Contact: Patti Durovchic P.O. Box 484 / Ridgefield 98642 (360) 887-1664
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I got the inkwell with the feather from: |
...the background from: |
...the animated appointment book and traffic light from:
...and all of the children, the bar of leaves, and the long pencil with children from: