Season of Re-education & Renewing of the Mind __________________________________
(#14) Where to Get All the Resources
Because many of the resources for this season are not available in the usual places, like public libraries or even many homeschool libraries and stores, I found I was spending way too much time telling people where to find them! It just made sense to start carrying them ourselves, especially since I do so much encouraging of people in this area ~ and was doing so for many years, long before we ever thought of selling anything!
We carry most of the books and tapes, and write-ups for them can be found throughout the catalog pages of our website, starting at the Catalog Main Page. (I will eventually have a page where all of these write-ups can be found, but that's going to take some time to compile. I apologize for the inconvenience of having to find them yourself.)
The Homeschool Guide-a-log is a foundational part of the course, but if you are online (which you must be or you wouldn't be reading this, unless, of course, someone printed it out for you), you do not necessarily need to purchase it as all the important parts of it are online! (And if you find something that I missed getting online, please email me and let me know! I'm still finding bugs that I need to iron out.) I now have the Homeschool Guide-a-log Table of Contents online so that you can see what all is in it. The Course Syllabus (which you need to order from us; it is NOT online) has the response form that you would fill out for the Guide-a-log, with all necessary articles listed there. We have heard from several who prefer to have something in-hand that they can take with them places to read, rather than being bound to the computer. But the choice is yours. I just wanted you to know that most of the Guide-a-log IS online (though you will need to hunt for it as it is in pieces here on my website) and therefore you do NOT need to purchase it if you prefer.
The course contains many resources written by Marilyn Howshall, the developer of the Lifestyle of Learning message. We no longer carry any of the Lifestyle of Learning Resources as the Howshall's discontinued wholesaling to retailers mid-1999, so you will need to get those resources directly from them. To make this as easy as possible for you, I have provided a List of the Lifestyle of Learning books that are available (only) through Lifestyle of Learning, which you can use (and will need) to order their products. If you want write-ups describing their books, you will need to get that directly from them. Email and request a free Product Catalog, and be sure to include your name and mailing address.
And to order
the other items from US (the Sheltons), just go back to the page you were just
on (at least supposedly just on (if
you are reading about the course/season in order)