Season of Re-education & Renewing of the Mind ____________________________
(#15) "I Can't Afford to Get Everything for the Course at Once (Can you make it more affordable?) so What Should I Get First?"
"Have you come up with a creative way to make this course more affordable for me?"
I've been asked that question a variety of ways, many times. And yes, I do have a few ideas, but, before I share them, I want to say a few things...
First, the only way the expenses to create and maintain our website, office expenses, and continuing to print our books is through sales via our online catalog. I have to get a new computer every three or four years because I actually wear them out(!), plus there are production costs for our other seven books, etc. And we have never, in our many years of business, raised the price of my books, but you can be sure that the cost to print them is rising. So we gave up the "normal profit margin" on book selling many years ago.
That's just the money end. I have put in thousands of hours creating the website and writing books and articles to help those who want to be set free. And I also put in many many hours serving homeschoolers that I am never compensated for; the only way we are is through the sale of books. (I WILL be in Heaven though!! So I'm not complaining!!!)
In light of "all the above," can you see how questions about how I can
make the course cost less might be received?
look at it from that angle, and see what creative and even miraculous things He
will do to provide the resources for this need as well! "The servant is worthy of his hire," and already
being at the low end of the scale pay-wise, we appreciate you not asking how we
can help you pay less.
Now for a few ways to make this more affordable for you(!):
See if your support group has or would want to start a homeschool library. If they don't, ask the Lord if maybe He is calling you to start one. It will be a ministry with far-reaching results. (And here's a word to the wise About Homeschool Libraries, Vendors, and Curriculum Fairs.)
Refrain from buying ~ or even sell ~ some of your curriculum text/workbooks. What you would pay (or have paid) for even just one or two subjects for just one child is typically enough to pay for the entire course! (I actually got this idea from several moms who have told me they did this!) The benefit your entire family will reap from the money being spent on truly educating Mom and freeing her up will far exceed the academic benefit of the text/workbooks. It's far more important for Mom to get her foundation established and her vision set! Then, if you still feel you need the textbooks later, God will provide.
"Why spend your money on foodstuffs that don't give you strength? Why pay for groceries that don't do you any good? Listen and I'll tell you where to get good food that fattens up the soul. Come to Me with your ears wide open. Listen, for the life of your soul is at stake." (Isaiah 55:2) This course is FOOD for your mind, heart and soul. Is it possible that God may have already provided for you to take the course, but you've spent it on other "stuff" ~ curriculum "that won't do you any good"? Color me unsympathetic, but I can't tell you how many moms have told me they wish they could get my stuff, but they just can't afford it. What's frustrating to me is that, in many cases, I know that they have spent hundreds of dollars on text/workbooks! It boils down to what are your priorities? And your beliefs about education are going to totally determine what your priorities are. There is plenty of information right here at my website (120 articles at the time of this writing) to help you in your endeavor to make a "priority shift," if you so desire. And it will not cost you one cent; it's all right here for the taking! I'm not saying that curriculum has no value, nor that I have all the answers that only the Lord can give you! But I am saying that if you come to the Lord with your ears wide open, He will provide for your true needs.
I know that it can get really expensive to go and purchase a lot of books. Some of them might be available at your library or church library so check there first. Next, if they aren't available I'd really recommend that you get these two things at least. One is the Guide-a-log as it covers so much that reading (and digesting) it can really be a mini "season of re-education" all by itself.
you are reading that, I'd suggest that, if you have children age 12 and under, you also purchase the
Homeschool Jumpstart
Navigator. If you have children age 12 and up, get Senior High: A
Home-Designed Form+U+la, and begin with the the Jumpstart chapter right at
the beginning. That way your kids
are not waiting for you to complete your re-education before they can get
started. As someone wrote earlier, that season of re-education may take a
long time as many of us find that it becomes a lifestyle of learning.
Here's what another mom wrote...
We often think we need lots 'n' lots of "STUFF" to get started at what God has for us, but really we need is HIM, and to start following Him, and start doing things HIS way.
On to the next Season of Re-education article