Comments on this Website!
"Barb's website is so refreshing!
A place to read and be refilled without having to feel shortchanged!
Meat and potatoes instead of milk!"
~ Sharon, who could use a pair of sweats and a cup of tea 'bout now, in MD
"May God bless you beyond measure. Your contribution to the salvation of the family is, I'm sure, not going unnoticed by our Lord. Your web site has infused new love for my God and Savior, and, of course, my homeschooling. Did I mention my children and husband? I'm sure you give all glory to God in your efforts, but I'm thanking Him for you too! God bless." ~ Jane F.; homeschooling mom in MA
"Barb, I just wanted to say "Hi" and let you know how much I've enjoyed your site... Thanks for your help and support... It has definitely been an "oasis" in a dry spell for me! And it's been fun to see somebody else who is rather liberal with their punctuation!" ~ Kim Frey; homeschooling mom of two daughters
"Such a wonderfully prepared and maintained site! Thank you. We are highlighting it in our web sites of worth corner in our monthly newsletter! :o)" ~ In Christ, Jean Mann
"Thanks for being an inspiration. I know the Lord led me to your "Homeschool Oasis" because it was on a day I was feeling like 'I don't know what I'm gonna do.' Then I find myself here, and it looks like what I have been looking for all these years! So thank you. I can't wait to get the book." ~ Love, Hannah
"I just want to thank you and your husband for your ministry on the internet. I am doing my "homework" to prepare for homeschooling our daughter and son beginning this summer. This will be our first adventure in homeschooling as our children have been in public school up till now. I appreciate so much the focus you place on education of our children as a God-given responsibility. After becoming bleary-eyed with all the talk of educational theories, etc. on other sites, I really needed to be reminded of that and of the importance of grounding my efforts in prayer. (Thanks also for the quiet time page.) (From Barb: She's referring to the "Commune With Me" guide.) What a wealth of material is in your site! I will have resources for years to come. I believe that God sent me to your site today and I give thanks to Him and also thank you for your willingness to serve the Lord with your gifts. May God continue to bless you and your family!" ~ With a grateful heart, Anne in WA
"Thank you so much for putting so many hours into your web site to make it the perfect resting stop for weary web-surfing homeschoolers. The info you provide here is priceless! Thank your for pouring out your heart and sharing so much about your lives. It is very easy to feel that one knows you simply because you put so much of yourself into your web site. May God continue to bless the work of your hands!" ~ Kimberly Frank; homeschool mom of 3 for 5 years; KY (Visit her Kimberly's Korner!)
"Your website is very organized and I love
it... Not just for the organization factor (that's just a plus), but for the richness of info and help!!! I can't express how thankful I am to you for developing this website and supplying the information that you have. You are helping me to answer questions I have had and some I haven't even thought of. ~ With sincerity and thankfulness, Jena from TN
"You have the most beautiful, informative, useful and easy-to-use website I have ever seen! Thank you for your ministry! Your writings are a blessing to me and many other homeschool parents!" ~ Sabrina; Homeschooling mom of 3; NY
"I love all your 'stuff'... web page (awesome!), Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la, and your Guide to Field Trips & Extra-curricular Activities... Thank you for giving me a new vision for this adventure we call home school. I am once again fired up like I was 5 years ago when we started. Unfortunately we started with the traditional textbooks and soon the excitement wore off! After reading your book about a year ago, (and again since I got your newest revision,) and starting to read your website, I'm slowly making changes. We're all happier!" ~ Sharon S.; Homeschooling Mom of 4; KS
"Your webpage is now in my favorite places! ... I've always appreciated your sweet spirit and your desire to be an encouragement to homeschool moms, and your web page reflects the love and hope you have for these ladies. I think you've done a wonderful job! Your website is very attractive and welcoming, and it makes me want to stick around awhile! :-)" ~ Susan L.; Homeschool Mom in OR
"I'm so impressed with all your work. I love your site. Besides the beautiful job you've done at coordinating it all, your pages are so "meaty"; you give us sooooo many goodies. I hope that all those "seeking" the answers will come across your pages; I'm sure they will find the answers to all their questions and/or objections about homeschooling HIS way! You have really done a GREAT job on this, Barb! All your pages are quick-loading! That's a BIG BONUS! Oh, and the graphics and the beautiful layout, a fantastic job of color coordination as well! Thank you so much for all your work!" ~ Luz Marina Lovins; Homeschool Mom in TX
and Barb, ~Laurie; Homeschool Mom in NJ
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