Index Page








This publication is free and is produced by myself, 

Barb Shelton, as I am able to do so and time allows.  This means

it does not come out on a regular basis.  My goal is to get one out

once a month, but as you'll see below, that doesn't always happen,

and I occasionally skip a month. Please view and accept

it as a gift from my heart, not an obligation.

I hope it will be a blessing to you.






It takes quite a bit of time to re-format these publications

from their text-only format.  If your cursor turns to a hand when placed

over the heart, please recite the Pledge of Allegiance.

(Just kidding!  A little joke there; get it?  Hand over heart?... )

No, what it does mean is that that month's newsletter is ready

to view online.  If not, be patient, it'll eventually be here

(And I'm not doing them in the right order;

only Issues 1, 2, and 7 are here.)


Issue # 1 - July 1999


Issue # 2 - August 1999


  Issue # 3 - September 1999


Issue  # 4  -  Oct. ~ Nov. 1999


Issue # 5 - Dec 99 ~ March 2000


Issue # 6 - April ~ May 2000


Issue # 7 - June 2000





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Graphics Credits:


Wallpaper and tiny heart-check bars from:

Original Country Clipart 


Heart 'n' leaves bar at the very top from:

Helena's Graphic Garden


Red hearts from:

A Touch of Country






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