Age of Opportunity
by Paul Tripp. "A Biblical Guide to Parenting Teens."
With Study Guide.
the back cover: "Paul Tripp uncovers the heart issues affecting
parents and their teenagers during the often chaotic adolescent years.
With wit, wisdom, humility, and compassion, he shows parents how to
seize the countless opportunities to deepen communication, learn, and
grow with their teenagers." And as his brother, Tedd, said:
"...a wealth of biblical wisdom and a treasure of practical steps for
understanding and shepherding your teen's heart."
Shepherding a Child's Heart
by Tedd Tripp. This excellent book w ill
help you recognize unbiblical thinking
and learn how to communicate effectively and
healthily with your children. It is all about dealing with the heart!
It also outlines training objectives for each stage of childhood. It
teaches how your objectives shift as infants grow into children and as
children grow into teenagers. It will inspire you to become a
different kind of parent ~ one who will raise different kids in a
world that needs more of both!
Main Book - $14.00
A Parent's Handbook - $10.00
Key to your Child's Heart by Gary
Smalley. This book was very instrumental many
years ago i n
helping me get to the root cause of some tensions, wrong attitudes,
and unhealthy relating that was taking
place between myself and my children. Dealing with these is not
something to put off until the academics are done, but to consider
very much an integral part of our children's education! (I can't
stress this enough!) This book helps you recognize a closed heart in
your children and gives practical steps to opening the heart of a
child who has shut you out -- and keep you from unknowingly causing
that to happen. I know it sounds radical, but if you do not have your
child's heart, you may as well not attempt homeschooling! And if you
don't, start with this and other books in this section.
Goodbye to Whining, Complaining, and Bad Attitudes...
in You and Your Kids! by
Scott Turansky and Joanne Miller. "Remember
those idealistic goals you had when you brought your child
home for the first time? Did those goals give way to a
desire to survive each day? What happened? Parents can
become very frustrated when dealing with not only whining,
but also bad attitudes, meanness, and bickering. Some
parents try to control their children's behavior, but
the key is to instill honor into family life. In this
volume, you'll find:
Six ways to teach honor to your children
A three-step approach to deal with meanness
~ Three Biblical solutions to sibling rivalry
~ Five helpful parenting skills
~ Loads of practical family activities"
[Barb talking now] And here is what Beth, a
homeschooling mom, had to say about this book:
"The authors'
key to stopping the whining, complaining and bad attitudes
is instilling honor in the relationships in the home.
They define honor as "Treating people as special, doing
more than what's expected, and having a good attitude."
They explain specifically what it means to honor as opposed
to just showing respect, right behavior, obedience etc.
It includes a chapter on six ways to teach honor to children.
Then they go "deeper", as they say, teaching about the interworking of each relationship in the home, non-verbal
communication and on changing relationships. The book
includes information on not just teaching the children
to show honor but also teaching parents "honor-based
parenting." One thing from the book we immediately applied
in our home was "The Stop Rule". This is a word or phrase
that allows a person to communicate that teasing is turning
into foolishness so please end it immediately. They end
the book with suggestions for family together time activities
that teach the concept of honor being present in the home.
I recommend the book as well as their first one,
Eight Secrets to Highly Effective Parenting. It was
rather elementary in its writing style. but the "secrets"
are truly vital elements in a pleasant home environment."

Training Tips by Pastor Reb Bradley. Have you asked these questions:
children obey when spoken to calmly and only one time? What is a
child-run home? Can different children be held to the same standard?
How can a parent know if a toddler understands simple directions? What
are the characteristics of rebellion? What exactly is "sass"
and how can it be stopped? Should children be required to eat and
accept thankfully foods they don't enjoy? How can parents help
children skip the "terrible two's," the "trying
three's," and "rebellious teens"? Pastor Reb Bradley
answers all these questions and more with God's heart and godly advice
(not always synonymous!) in this excellent book! Read "Goals
of Child Training" for a sampling of his writing.

Train Up a Child by Michael and Debi Pearl. The authors show how to acq uire and maintain fellowship with
your child, spank less, and get total obedience. Quotes:
"Training is a technique that always works on every child. To
neglect training is to create miserable circumstances for yourself and
your child. Many have bypassed the training and expected the
discipline alone to effect proper behavior... Disciplinary actions can
become excessive and oppressive when the tool of training is set aside
and one looks to discipline alone to do the training." See the
article in my Article Chart "Understanding the Childish
Nature" for a taste of this book.

( )
How to Win the Heart of a Rebel
by Dr. S. M. Davis.
(Quoting from the book:) "The heart of every problem is a
problem in the heart... Parents do not have to live with disobedience
and rebellion. God has given us His Word. The principles in the Bible
tell us how to solve our problems, if we as parents are willing to pay
the price... The key ingredient in raising good children is to get
their hearts early, keep their hearts, and be extremely vigilant to
not lose their hearts. But if you do lose a child's heart, then
quickly find out where and when you lost it and put into action a plan
to get the heart back no matter what it takes to do it." This
small and simple -- but straightforward -- book will help you do just
this. It is not an easy answer, but it offers hope to even the most
seemingly hopeless situations. See "Changing
the Heart of the Rebel" article by this author at my Article
Hurting Parent
by Marjory and Gregg
Lewis. Written by a mother and her son, this book
helps Christian parents cope with children who reject the
faith they have been taught and deals with times of pain
and stress in relationships. [From the Back Cover:]
"The Hurting Parent is for parents, and also for
friends of prodigal sons and daughters everywhere. Margie
Lewis encourages hurting parents by helping them
understand their reactions and by providing them with
survival strategies tested in the experiences of other
parents who have known their pain.

by Kevin Huggins. For the parent who wants to
deeper into how to become a more effective parent of teens
which, as Dr. Larry Crabb puts it, " to become
a more godly person. In this book Kevin examines carefully
what that godliness should look like in a parent who is
struggling to understand, love, and guide a teenage son
or daughter. And Kevin supplies valuable insight for the
struggle." The inside flap says: "There's more
to parenting adolescents than laying down God-honoring
rules, trying to enforce them fairly, and doing your best
to keep the lines of communication open. The task of shaping
a young person's life is a very personal and painstaking
one. This book examines the many ties between raising
mature, Christ-like kids, and developing maturity, wisdom,
and Christ-likeness in your own life. If there is an "Instruction
Manual" that should come with every teen (several
years before you have one, actually), THIS IS IT!!!

Parenting of Teens
- Audio-taped
seminar by Pastor Reb Bradley. This greatly added-to tape set has been
updated and now includes much-needed information on not only
"training" but also getting and keeping the heart of your
teen. Too many families are discovering that while their teens
may "look good" on the outside, with good behavior, neither
they (the parents) nor God really have their heart! If your teen
is gaining in academic knowledge but you don't have their heart,
nothing else matters. This seminar has been increased from 2
tapes to 6 tapes, which is why the price increase, in case you
remember this as being $13. It is MORE than worth every extra
dollar, and could totally change the course of your relationship with
your teen!
(6-tape seminar in nice case; and
Syllabus) $36.00

Little Women
- by Donna
Miller. (Two editions: One for older girls;
one for younger; explained below.) The subtitle
of this book is actually the best way to describe it!
teachable moments with your daughter." On the
back cover it says: "It seems that just yesterday
you cuddled your baby girl. Your heart filled with hopes
and dreams for her future, and you wanted to give her
everything she would need to live a fulfilling life and
grow to love God. But season followed season, and now
her years under your wing are suddenly half over. As she
blossoms, you can't help wondering: Am I sharing my
insights and experiences with her? Am I preparing
her to become a godly woman? Am I establishing a
bond that will smooth her passage to womanhood?
This book is
designed to capture those fleeting moments before she
becomes a woman. Within these pages you'll discover engaging
stories, fun activities, and lessons on life to be shared
between a ... girl and her mother, grandmother or mentor."
actually says a "9- to 12-year-old girl" but
believe that, for homeschoolers who are not as "worldly
wise," this book is appropriate for a 10 or 11-year-old
all the way through high school.)
Gloria Gaither says: "There is no richer or more
significant time in the developing relationship between
a mother and daughter than the years of later childhood
and early teens. If mothers and daughters can hold each
other close, then they will likely be best friends for
life. Growing Little Women is a wonderful collection
to build ladders of communication and weave from the fibers
of devotion strong ties that bind."
Little Women (for 11ish+) (Both versions are wire-bound) $12.95

Little Women for Younger Girls (Age 10ish and under) $12.95
