Tools to help uproot the "old"
and implement the "new" in your thinking
about education

Dumbing Us Down
- by John Taylor Gatto. This book, written by the 1992 New York State
"Teacher of the Year," and a public school teacher for over 25
years, reveals what is really being taught in the public schools,
not so much in the curriculum, but via the whole system itself, and
how it affects kids, their creativity, their mindsets, their desire to
learn. It is eye-opening and enlightening. It is not written from a
Christian perspective nor by a Christian, but this actually adds to its
credibility and ability to convince a non-Christian spouse of some
things that will make homeschooling look all the more logical and wise
Softbound / $11.95
for Excellence - by David and Micki Colfax.
On back of book: "For over fifteen years, David and Micki Colfax
have been educating their children at home. They don't think of
themselves as pioneers, though that's what they have become. Unhappy
with the public schools, the Colfax's wanted the best education
possible for their four sons: a program for learning that met the
evolving needs of each child and gave them complete control of how and
what their children learned. The results? A prescription for
excellence -- Harvard educations (or all four of their sons.) Now the Colfax's
tell how all parents can become involved in homeschooling. In
a straight-talking book that reads like a frank conversation among
friends, they tell what they did and how they did it: their
educational approaches, the lessons they learned, and what materials
-- books, equipment, educational aids -- proved most useful over the
years. Best of all, they show you how you can take charge of your
children's education -- in an invaluable sourcebook that will help you
find a rewarding and successful alternative to our failing
/ $12.99
( )
N.E.A. Trojan Horse in America - by
Samuel Blumenfeld. "An
educational Mafia
captured the high ground of American public education
in the late 1800's. Sam Blumenfeld shows how, by their
own words and deeds, their carefully orchestrated, partially
hidden agenda has deliberately steered the public schools,
its teachers and children down a disaster road to socialism,
secular humanism, radicalism, suffocation of Christianity,
the trashing of basic values and the establishment of
one of the most powerful and dangerous unions, the National
Education Assn. (NEA) The country owes Mr. B. a
great debt of gratitude for his courageous work." "Every
so often a book is written that can change the thinking
of a nation. This book is one of them." (Steve Symms;
U.S. Sen. ID) (I used to think this book was terribly
radical; now I KNOW it is – because our culture is! And
nothing less will wake us up or move us to action!)
( )
The Great Escape
- by
Geoffrey Botkin. There
is a full write-up on this in the Legal Issues
section. I have it in both sections because of how
important it is, and the fact that it fits both categories;
and I don't want it to be missed. This book seems
a bit radical at first glance, but a quick glance at what
is happening (and not happening) in our schools balances
it out. For an intro the heart of this message, see this
article here at my website. (To return to this spot
on this page, just click on your BACK button. )
College Record
"Research & Common
Sense"- by Dr. Raymond Moore.
A small but powerful booklet that will help you see behind the myth of
early child-readiness for formal education. The subtitle ~
"Research and Common Sense" ~ is actually a better title, in
my opinion, but it was originally written for college purposes.

Natural Vital Signs of the Learning Process
- [audio tape] - by Marilyn
Howshall. This audio-taped workshop will help you hold a light up to
the state of learning in your child by revealing what a healthy state
of learning looks like. It will also give you a
"voice" to hear as you read all the books in this course
that are by Marilyn Howshall. Her gentle spirit comes through
"soft and clear" in this tape!

Home Education Myths
- by Karl Reed. This booklet will
reveal many of the myths you are believing about education without
even realizing it ~ which is the first step to dispelling those myths
and changing the way you think about education!

This is going to be a bit confusing,
so if you're tired, please get
some rest, and
then come back and read

of Fear & Burn-out;
Focus, Freedom & Refreshment
True education is so much more than mere academics! And until we understand what
it really is, we will operate out of fear rather than wisdom. In this workshop
Barb will help you discern ~ and follow ~ the voice of the Lord for your own
family over the many loud voices of the world. With vulnerability and humor, she
offers much spiritual and practical encouragement, research, examples, and
scripture verses that will release you from fear and intimidation of
homeschooling through high school and help keep you from missing out on God's
richest blessings for you and your student! The two tapes total about 3
hours. Handouts are included. You are free to share this with your support
group! (See the box below for some thoughts on getting my tapes and/or
book.) This one long seminar has now been broken down into two workshops
and renamed:
~ and ~
(At some conferences, it
has also been called "DELETING THE
We apologize for the
confusion, but "Out of Fear..." was taped 6 years ago (as of 2003), and as my
speaking and workshops developed and (hopefully) improved, I realized different
titles would be better. However, since this is part of my
Homeschool Course
(also called my "Season of Re-education & Renewing of the Mind"), and is
listed in the Course Syllabus, I
needed to keep the original title here
as well. Again, I'm sorry for the confusion! It's all part of
"growing pains"!
Please see the next two resources...
Heart of True Education
(Part I of "Out of Fear...")

Before you go one more inch on your path of homeschooling, make sure you are headed in the right direction! And because the primary purpose of true education is "preparing us for the works God has prepared beforehand that we may walk in them," what's "right and best" will be different for each family and each child. A generic, one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter education does not, indeed, fit all! Broadening your view of "education" and getting a scriptural "God' eye view" of it is essential to making homeschooling all that it can be! You will save yourself hundreds of dollars in unused, misused or overused curriculum, and years of frustration! Too many people find out too late that they were on the wrong path! You have only ONE chance with your kids. God is a redeeming God (the theme of my LIFE!), but He doesn't time-warp us back to the infant stage to start over. We need to be seeking the heart and mind of God on this NOW. (1
Tape/Handouts/ 1
TAPE $6.00
CD $8.00 [coming soon]
The High School Years:
Heart 'n' Soul 'n' Guts
(Part II of "Out of Fear...")
(also called "DELETING THE FEARS

(This is actually Part II of "Out of Fear & Burnout."
Part I ~ "The Heart of True Education" ~ is foundational to this
~ Does the thought of homeschooling through high school give you the shivers every time you think of it? Whether high school is still several years away or you're already DOing it, you don't have to continue to be plagued by fear any longer! Deal with the myths, intimidations and misperceptions head-on, and once and for all! It takes some time to go through this process, so do yourself a favor and get thinking about it EARLY ON.
The focus for this workshop is high school concerns ~ which are best to get OUT of the way as early on as
possible ~ we will NOT be focusing on "high school
how-to's." It is the fears at this level that are
delved into, like the diploma issue, can I do this, will my child be missing out. With these fears dealt with (a clean swift
"death blow") you will be free to approach high school with vision and
confidence! (1 Tape/Handouts/ 1
CD $8.00 [coming soon]