High School Notebook
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Barb Shelton
I had a great time making up a collage cover for Carlianne's High School Notebook! I have always done this type of cover for Sharnessa and Tory's notebook covers, and wanted to do the same for Carlianne too!
You can certainly do just one or two pictures, if you prefer, but what I like about a collage is that because "a picture speaks a thousand words," a LOT *more* can be said with a collage than with just a picture or two. There are 9 pictures on Carlianne's front cover.
So, hmmm, that makes 9,000 words!!!
Here are the picture topics ~ going from left to right, starting at
the top of the page. (And there's a larger version of this
directly below.)
~ Giving a speech for "U.S. Night" at our homeschool support meeting
~ Being tutored in math by Chrissy
~ Filling in a search-it-out sheet at a Lewis & Clark Field Trip
~ Performing as a back-up dancer with Sharnessa on the V*Enna tour
~ With the V*Enna tour girls
~ Making scones in our kitchen
~ In front of Multnomah Falls in Oregon (a field trip last Mon.) with 4 friends
(two of the moms of these girls are on this list! ~ my friends, Melanie and Julie!)
~ The seven of us when we went to get our Christmas trees
~ Doing a fetal elk dissection
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OK, so what "message" do all these pictures give? They say the following:
~ Carlianne has a wide variety of activities that comprise her education
~ She has been provided with help (tutoring) in an area that I'm weak in (math)
~ She has friends and is not lacking socially
~ She gets outside (i.e. we do not keep her cooped up in the house)
~ We have family traditions
~ We have a family! 
~ She has done (at least) Lab Science, Home Ec, P.E., Math, History, and Speech
A few more particulars...
~ I did it on black paper. Since the clear-vue notebook covers are wider than a sheet of paper, I used two sheets, overlapping them, making it about 2 inches wider.
~ I made the title using my Stampin' Up Alphabet (black ink onto white cardstock), and then cut that out and mounted it onto gold paper which I cut around the edge leaving a 1/4 inch border.
~ I rounded the lower right corner of the black paper so it would fit in better.
~ I stuck the pictures on with glue stick ~ very little; just enough to make it stick. (Do NOT use rubber cement; it does something weird to the clear plastic cover!!!)
~ I'm going to make up a "Cover Guide" and put it right in the front, stating what I said above about each of the pictures. (Actually, it'll be just like the one I put in Form+U+la on page xiv.)
~ I had so many pictures, I'm going to make up a back cover too!
I hope I've made the picture of the cover big enough that you can get
the idea, but also a small enough "size" (in pixels) that doesn't take
to long to load! (If it takes awhile, did you know you can
minimize it, and go and do something else on your computer? or clean a
toilet, or, if the file is REALLY big, you could even get a batch of
cookies made!!!)
You will probably notice that it's in two pieces; that's because the cover is too wide to fit on my scanner, so I had to do it in two pieces.
And, in closing, I wanted to address the matter of why *I* made this
cover, and not Carlianne...
It's because *I*
wanted to, and she *didn't.*
It's good to have our kids learn and do a variety of things, even if they don't like doing them, but Carlianne has had ~ and is going to have ~ plenty of experience at doing projects like this. This is something I *really* enjoy doing, and is just a fun thing for me to do for my kids; something I like to make and give to them from my own talent and heart. They don't *have* to do it all themselves. (Same for record keeping.)
They *can* do it, especially if Mom is too busy to do it, but it can be done by whomever enjoys this type of thing and has the time and desire to do it. Even a sibling! And you don't even *have* to do a cover with pictures!