Registration Form
For Barb Shelton's Seminars
1) Click to "Full Screen" and then print out this form.
Fill in this form by hand.
(Yes, the old fashioned way!
Weird, huh?!?)
(Do NOT try to type it in here; I don't have it set up to work that way.)
A - Write out a check or money order
for the correct amount or...
B - Write your credit card info at the
bottom of this form.
4) Mail the completed form (with payment if
paying by check or m.o.) to:
PO Box 1320, Logandale, NV 89021
Name of Mom: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: ____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________ -- __________ -- ___________________
Email Address: _____________________________
Website Address? ________________________________________________________________
___ I am signing up as the primary attender and am paying $15.00.
___ I am signing up my spouse for an additional $5.00.
___ of us will attend Friday Night; ___ of us will attend Saturday
A total of ___ of us will be eating lunch on Saturday.
___ I have read Barb's Policy on Children at (her) Meetings and, whether I agree or not (and
it's OK if I don't), I will (still) comply.
___Enclosed is a check or money order. (U.S. funds only, please.)
Please make out checks to: Canyon Ridge Christian Church
___Please charge to my credit card. (Info must be provided below.)
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Credit Card Information
(*'d items indicate information we must have to process your order)
*Name on card: ___________________________________________________________
*Address of card holder: __ Same as above __ Different:
City/State/Zip: ________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (if different from above): __________ -- __________ -- ___________________
Email Address (if different from above): ___________________________________________
(If this is included, you will be sent an e-notification upon processing of your payment.)
*Card Type: __ MasterCard __ Visa __ Discover __ American Express
*Card Number: __________ __________ __________ __________ *Exp. Date: ____/____
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