Lab Science Resources on the Internet:
Here are several options for various science resources! They aren't necessarily the best, or "Christian"; they're just links to get you going on discovering the amazing resources available to us! You can do a search at by typing in a word - like "animal dissection" - and come up with a thousand more options! So have fun exploring!!!
Nick Walker's
"Weather Dude" Website:
This site is theoretically for younger kids, but there's plenty that older kids and adults will learn here!
Dr. Jay Wile's Apologia Science:
Robert Krampf's ScienceEducation Company:
Excellent resources for elementary age, jr. high, and high school!!!
Meteorology Resources:
Some very interesting resources for studying meteorology!!!
Here's what Nancy sent to me:
"Hello! I'd like to introduce myself..I'm Nancy! I'm a peer mentor Goodwin Community Center. The group of kids that I'm mentoring wanted me
resources, they had the brilliant idea to email you a resource they found, (the one linked below). They think your web visitors may find it very useful, just like they did.
TOPS Science:
Excellent resources for elementary age!
Cow Eyeball Dissection:
Great online directions for doing this on your own!
The Biology Page:
Many links to sites
Animal Dissection Resources:
I got the graph paper background from Helena's:
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