
For the Opening

of the

Washington State

House of Representatives

   February 3, 2000 Session



By Leland F. Edtl

(my Dad!)


Let us pray. Lord, eternal God, we give you thanks for the bounty of this great state, for its beauty, and for its people.


You have called us to be servants of your servants. We pray that you continue to help us to faithfully represent them.


May the vital and true needs of our state and the common good of all, always, be our direction and our common purpose.


The problems we face are many and the solutions seldom easy. We seek your divine assistance in representing the many and diverse needs of this state. Grace us with your wisdom and your vision; always keeping us mindful of the wise use of our abundant though limited resources.


And today we ask your special blessings upon the grieving families and friends of our citizens lost this week in the crash of Alaska Flight No. 261.* Give them comfort and guidance during their time of need.


And Lord, guide us and keep us as we continue doing and bringing to closure the important work of this session; the work of representing the people of this great state who sent us.






*This was just a few days after the Alaska Airlines jet headed for Seattle, WA had crashed in the ocean near California, killing all 88 passengers aboard. Dad was told afterwards that his inclusion of this in his prayer was particularly appreciated by several representatives who were very upset about the crash, having people in their districts with family members who had died in the crash.


I got the starry background at:


and the red gingham bar at:



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