Gift Box Ideas
Here are several ideas for what to fill a gift box with and give as a unique and special gift!
Some basics that could be included in pretty much any box are:
~ Photo ~ Pretty Post-a-note Pad ~ Potpourri ~ ~ Gift Certificates ~ (home-made too!)
"I'b Gotta Co'd in My Node" Kit (Or "Sorry You're Sick" Kit)
Vicks Vapo-Rub, Kleenex, Cough Drops, Hand-stamped Hankie, Cold Med sample, Chap-stick, Teabag, Chicken Noodle Soup Mix Packet |
Hostess Thank you Gift Box
Specialty (pretty) soap (for bath or to match kitchen), Mini Lotion, Cookie Mix, Cookie Cutter, Fridge magnet, Potholder, Bookmarker, Hankie |
Survival Kit
Breath mints, Note pad (for writing down names), Pretty Pen, Mini Phone/Address Book, Toothbrush & Toothpaste (mini), Tea Bag, Deodorant |
Baby Shower (or New Baby) Gift Box Binkie, Baby Nail Clippers, Thermometer, Booties, Baby Washcloth, Socks, Comb & Brush, Rattle, Babyish frame, Baby Powder or Lotion, "Do Not Disturb" sign for door |
Graduation Gift Box
Mini Diploma with favorite wise saying on it (roll up and tie like a diploma), Graduation (or "Rules for Life") Gift Book, Money or check rolled up and tied like diploma |
Queen For a Day Kit
Gift certificate for facial, massage, pedicure, etc., Mini Lotion or Bath Gel, Nail Polish, Toe separator, Favorite Candy |
Finals Week Kit
No-doze, Specialty coffee, Visine, Toothpicks (for eyes), Popping (noisy) Gum, Bag of Trail Mix, Carrots |
"Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas" Kit Individual Packet of apple cider, Small Ornament, Mini Nativity Scene, Christmas Cookie Cutter, Christmasy Potpourri, Candle |
Gift Box
Valentine Candy, Heart-shaped Frame, Valentine Socks, Small Rose, Hand-made certificate to go out to lunch with you |
Shopping Day Kit
Chart of people and their sizes, favorite colors, etc.; Shoe pads, Foot lotion, Gift certificate for a pedicure at the end of the day |
Birthday Party-in-a-Box
Birthday candles, Matches, Confetti in bag, Small gift ~ wrapped, Mini "Happy Birthday" Banner (scroll and tie with bow) |
Easter Gift Box
Tiny Easter candy, Tiny Bunny, Recipe for "Resurrection Cookies," Egg shaped candle, Easterish Post-a-notes |
Bridal Shower Gift Box
Kitchen Gadgets, Pretty Panties, Recipes (your own favorites on 3"X5" cards), Bride Booklet, Measuring Spoons, Kitchen Timer |
Sympathy Care Kit Picture of the person in a small frame, Potpourri, A few of your own written memories of the person, Pretty Hankie (or small pkt. of Kleenex), Small book: Within Heaven's Gates, Tiny vial of "oil of joy" (for mourning), |
"Over the Hill" Kit
Geritol, Magnifying Glass, Vitamins, "Now what in the world did I come here for?" Memory Jogger (mini post-a-note pad on string to put around neck) |
Time-For-Tea Kit
Doily, Small Tea Cup, Pretty Teaspoon (the tiny decorative kind), Teabags, Pretty Sugar Cubes, Packets of Sugar and Cream |
Tiny Tot Birthday Gift Box
Specialty Band-Aids, Chalk, , Fancy shoelaces, Crayons, Stickers, Light-switch plate, Scissors, Small toys, Specialty Band-Aids, Hair pretties (girl) or mini vehicles (boy) |
Congrats on Drivers License Kit Key Chain, Car Key, Sunglasses, Sunglasses holder (to attach to visor), Steering Wheel Cover, Drive-up Gift Certificate (like at a fast-food restaurant or espresso stand), Registration case |
"Going through a Hard Time" Kit Teabag, Bubble Bath, Mini Kleenex, Prayer Card (CC size), Band-Aid, Candle (in the rain), Mini Bible, Lotion, Hot cocoa or cider packet, Encouraging mini book, Vitamins |
Happy Road Trip Kit
Film or Disposable Camera, Postcard Chart, 20-cent stamps, Toothbrush/ paste and Mouthwash, Deodorant, Earplugs, Travel Game, Trail Mix, Small Crossword Puzzle Booklet, Mini Shampoo/Conditioner |
Moving Day Kit Labels (different sizes), Felt Marker, Trail Mix, Mini packet of Kleenexes, Instant Soup Mix
For a Neighbor Moving In , add: List of Babysitter phone numbers, your own "favorites" in the area, such as pharmacy, restaurants, etc. |
Off-to-College Kit
Mini Sewing Kit, Breadsticks and cheese, Mini First Aid Kit, Rubberbands, Pens & pencils, Paperclips, Mini Stapler, Gum, Earplugs |
Hospital Caregiver Kit
Small Journal, Small Book, Gum, Mini Bible, Inflatable neck pillow, Small Note Pad, Small Crossword Puzzle Booklet, Bookmarker |
"Sleep Tight" Kit
Earplugs, Eye Blinders, Mini Stuffed Animal, Mini bottle of Excedrin PM, Write out: "When you can't sleep, don't count sheep; talk to the Shepherd" ~ roll up and tie. |
Thank-you for Conference Speaker Gift Box Postcards from your area, Small gift items uniquely from your state/town (go to gift shop and just look around) (In Wash: WA Apple Lotion, Mt. St. Helens ash; Space Needle) |
Happy Gardening Kit
Seed Packets, Pretty Gardening Gloves, Mini Watering Can, Mini Terracotta Pot (with plant in it), Hand Lotion, Gardener's Soap |
Teen Birthday Gift Box
Hair Claws or Combs, Lip Gloss, Face Glitter, Fun Pencil, Fancy Notepad, Lotion, Favorite Candy, Cute Frame, Fold-up Purse Brush, Bookmarker |
Happy Hunting and/or Fishing Kit
Fishing lures or hooks, Snacks your Hunter/Fisherman likes, A book he/she would like, Hand warmers (the kind you press or pop and it turns warm) (Just go to a sporting store and look for small hunting & fishing stuff!) |
M other's DayGift Box
"Mother" bookmarker, Pretty Soap, Doily, Perfume Sample, Mini Lotion or Bath Gel, Bubble Bath, Small Frame (with picture of you and Mom), Fridge Magnet |
Father's Day Gift Box Mini "Best Father" Trophy, Mini Book on Dads, Handkerchief, "Father" bookmarker, Belly Button De-lint Brush (made with pipe cleaner and long bead; mount on small square of cardboard), Espresso gift certificate |
"Gotta Get Organized" Kit
Labels (different sizes), Scissors, Marker Pen, Paper Clips, 6-inch ruler, Tape, Stamps, Mini Stapler, Gift Tags (hand-stamped), Thumbtacks. Post-a-notes |
(Your own idea!) |
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