Comments on
Doing Business with
the Sheltons...
from none other than
several who have done
with the Sheltons!

"Wow! I
thought it was a fluke the first time I ordered from you. But now I
know, Dave is the fastest mailer in the west! Thanks for such
fast service."
~ M. Wilson
(above) is
an unsolicited comment
we received from a homeschooling mom who
ordered a second time from us!

The rest of the comments on
this page came about because of ONE email
we received from another homeschooling
mom who wrote this to me...
Dear Barb:
I really love all the info on your site and I am very interested in
ordering from you, especially the homeschool course for parents.
My husband will not allow me to order anything until he establishes
that this is a legitimate business.
I have no way of convincing him otherwise, so if you can help me in
this area I would greatly appreciate it.
May God continue to bless you in your ministry,
[Name withheld to protect her privacy]
So, while
SHE was convinced we were a bonafide business and wanted to place an order
with us, her husband was hesitant. And not because he had heard
anything "shadey" about us, but because he had never heard anything
about us! We are not one of the "big names" in the book industry.
So I put out this request to my lists:
so, dear sisters here on the list, I am writing to you, asking if any
of you who have ordered from us would care to email this sister (ASAP)
and let her know that, indeed, we are a legitimate business? It
is something that *I* cannot really do.
~ Barb
And here
are several of the comments I received! ~ "carbon copies" of what they
actually sent to this couple! There is waaaaaaaaay more here than
anyone has the time or desire to actually read, but I am including
them here for the occasional skeptic, in case they want all this "evidence"!
(And if you find any email addresses that are no longer in use, please let
me know!)

I can understand your husband's reluctance to do business with just
anyone in this day of scams. You can both rest easy. You don't have a
thing to worry about in your doing business with Barbara Shelton.
I have been on a number of Barb's lists, and doing business with her
since 1998. I have always gotten prompt service and all her materials
are top notch.
I am a Christian, homeschooling mother of 5 girls. My husband Tim and
I have been homeschooling since 1994. Feel free to email me if you
have any specific questions.
Tracy Gibson

Dear [her name],
Yes this is a legitimate business, Dave is her husband he mails out
all of the books, he is so quick and on time. I have told many friends
of mine about this site and all have loved it. My husband is a skeptic
as well and he is on board.
Take care.
Nanette |

Hi, [her name],
Barb's business is indeed a reputable, vital business and ministry. I
read her book 2.5 years ago and have ordered materials from her (very
fast and efficient service). You can feel quite at ease ordering from
Barb. Also, you will be blessed to join the email loop of ladies who
have read Barb's book and share ideas, encouragement, etc. with one
Wendy F. |

Just wanted to let you know
that, more than any resource I have ever used, Barbara Shelton's business
has been an invaluable asset to me as a homeschool mom. She has written
Jumpstart and Form+U+La... both of which changed my approach to
homeschooling and inspired me to excellence. I have found her business
office to be ethical, efficient and very fast! Bless you in your
Debbie Phillips
(homeschooling mom of 7 years, using Barb's resources for the past
5) |

I have heard you and your husband are unsure about Barb Shelton's
website being legitimate. Well, I have ordered from her several times,
on the website, using a credit card, and each time I received my items
in a very timely fashion, and my card was correctly charged. I have
just met Barb in person at a homeschool conference in Beaverton,
Oregon this last two days, and I have to say she is one of the most
lovely, genuine ladies I've ever had the pleasure and honor of
meeting. She is just what she says she is on her website. So please be
assured that you will have no trouble with ordering from her. I'm glad
to hear that you are interested in her information. For myself, that
information has helped me make an about-face in my homeschooling, and
has helped me to seek the Lord in all I do.
In Him,
Wendy J. |

Hi, [her name],
I just wanted to personally write to you and tell you that we *have*
ordered from the Sheltons (as a matter of fact, we received our order
from them FASTER than ANYONE we have EVER ordered from)!!! Barb's
materials are life-changing, and life-saving ! Let me know if there is
any other way I can help, or questions you may have.
In Him,
Elveta |

I heard that your husband
was hesitant for you to order, wondering if Barb's business is legitimate.
Well, have no fear of ordering! I have ordered from her on two different
occasions and received my order in good condition and in a prompt manner.
Both times I paid using my credit card and had no problems either time.
Although I have never had the opportunity to meet Barb in person, I
have had the privilege of getting to know her online for a couple of
years now. I have never "met" a more genuine person. She always
honestly shares her struggles, as well as her victories. Barb shares
her honest opinion but not without giving it lots of thought first.
She seeks to go to God for
guidance. I would not hesitate to order from her again myself and
often recommend her website to moms who home school or who are
interested in it.
I hope this helps you in finding out more about Barb and her company.
I do not regret any of my purchases from Barb and plan to purchase
from her in the future. My family has only been blessed by her
products, her website, and her!
Susan S. in TX

[To unnamed person:]
I have ordered from the
Oasis site and my book was sent promptly.
I first ordered from Barb at least seven years ago..... That was
before online ordering! :-)
Stephanie in TX

I am the Exhibitor Coordinator for the OCHEC Home School convention
held anually in Oklahoma City for at least 15 years. You can check out
our website at
Barb Shelton is indeed a legitimate business. She and her husband are
coming to our convention in 2003 to be our keynote speakers. In the
past, we have had speakers such as Chris Klicka from HSLDA, Steve and
Karen Andreola, Dorothy Moore, and Reb Bradley all well-known folks in
the home schooling community.
OCHEC is very careful to
choose keynotes who are legitimate businesses. We have also used her
materials in our magazine that OCHEC publishes, the Informer. I have also
personally ordered from Barb in the past and I was blessed by the
promptness of her service. If I can be of further assistance, you can
contact me at my home email, or
you can write for the business.
I hope this helps,
Dawn Brotherton |

Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ......
I wanted to encourage you, I have purchased quite a bit from Barb's
e-mail site, not only is her ministry legit.... it is a GOD SEND! To
me and many countless others, I am in the process of doing the course
she offers to homeschoolers........ This has been one of the most
valuable finds, that the Lord has put in front of me, I would
recommend it to anyone...
My order experience with this company/ministry was wonderful, I can't
say enough good things about it.....
May God Bless you and may you enjoy this new found oasis as well
Joyce in Maryland |

I bought Barb's "Jumpstart to Homeschooling," "Lab Science Book," and
"Booklet Building" last spring. Not only does Barb run a legitimate
business, but her service is quick and the materials are excellent.
We have just begun our 9th year of homeschool and I have used Barb's
"Senior High Form+U+la" (that I bought a few years ago at a homeschool
convention) to help plan out our junior high and now senior high
years. When I realized she had books for the younger set I ordered
more to use with my younger too. I find all Barb's materials and the
website to be an excellent resource and encouragement to what we hope
to accomplish with our own children.
I feel like a breath of
fresh air has been breathed into our home, kind of like the feeling I get
after a really long winter... when I can finally open the windows for some
fresh spring breezes. Or, recently our really hot summer days when we
huddled indoors with the AC... it was marvelous when it cooled off enough to
open the house to the outdoors!
I am thankful to Barb for making it known that we can move beyond the 'school' setting
and trust God, not our own instincts. I have battled fear in many areas of
my life for many years and God is slowly working at my heart level to trust
Him in all things. Her books have encouraged me to lean on Him and seek His
will in our schedules and instruction plans, as well as open my eyes to see
Him at work in our oldest as she is at an age of serious exploration of
personal interests and talents.
I hope this helps,
Becky |

Hello -
Barb mentioned that your husband was concerned about establishing the
legitimacy of her business before you ordered anything from her. I can
vouch for her message AND for her business practices. :-) Have you and
your husband looked at her website? Barb has invested thousands of hours of
time, prayer, and effort, not to mention oodles of money, into that fabulous
resource, even just recently setting up a secure on-line ordering site for
the convenience of her customers. Her husband, Dave, checks the orders
every day, packs them, and mails them out (almost always) the VERY NEXT day.
Their customer service as well as the quality of their materials is
unequalled, and they've been in business for many years, building trust and
loyalty in a growing base of customers (many of whom become friends! :-) ).
Also on her website you will see many quotes and reviews from homeschooling
mothers and from other homeschooling authors/experts. These quotes are real,
from real people just like you and me. :-)
I am blessed to be one of the
moderators of Barb's email lists for parents who are reading and using her
books, and I know several of these people through the list and through
personal contact. Also, many "famous" homeschool authors and experts have
contributed their writings and endorsements to Barb's work: Ted Wade,
Marilyn Howshall, Janice Van Cleve, Cathy Duffy, John Taylor Gatto, Michael
Pearl, Karen Andreola, Ruth Beechick.... and there are many others. I mention
these names not because I believe their opinions are necessarily any more
valid than those of the homeschool moms quoted at the website, but because
they might be names that would "reassure" you as to the solidity and
validity of Barb's message and her business practices.
I have bought
numerous items from Barb and Dave Shelton, and not only are they
legitimate, but they provide fabulous service! Usually the orders ship
within a day of them receiving the request. The materials are all top
quality and very helpful. You may also subscribe to one of several
email lists to talk with other women who are using Barb's materials.
Barb's materials will show
you SO much more about this freedom we have... and about the wide world of
"education" that is outside the walls of the institutional schools.
:-) And I have to say, Barb's books have saved me so much money,
time, and frustration by opening my eyes and heart to the unlimited array
of learning experiences that God has placed around us... no longer am I
bound by stacks of age-graded textbooks.
I realize you don't know me <smile> but I hope that something I've said will
encourage you and your husband. Please feel free to email me if you have
any questions. I feel confident that in Barb's materials you will find much
to inspire you, help you, and "free" you!
Amy in WA |

Dear [her name],
I wanted to respond to your email to Barb Shelton and let you know that I have personally ordered from, have received everything I ever ordered from them, and plan on ordering in the future as well. I've never had a problem with ordering securely on-line. In fact, I've never had better service than when I've ordered from them.
I've personally met Barb and can't say enough about how upstanding, integrous, caring and godly she is, not to mention helpful, very real, down-to-earth, insightful, etc...I could go on and on!
I hope you and/or your husband will put to rest your fears about ordering from her.
Mrs. Claire Lamb
California |

Dear [her name] ~
I'm writing on behalf of Barb Shelton. I purchased her book (SHF-L) about
three years ago and have been very pleased with both the book and the
interaction I've had with Barb and others through her website and e-mail
loops. I also did some proofreading for Barb's "Reflections" newsletter and
found her to be very kind, business-like and responsive. I wouldn't
hesitate to recommend both Barb and her business to anyone interested in
Aline T. |

Hi, [her name]!
I just wanted to chime in with the others and let you know that I have
ordered items from Barb, including the re-education syllabus, the Booklet
Building Book and the Jumpstart Navigator (already owned Senior High
Formula). The turn-around time from when I ordered to when the package
arrived was amazingly quick, especially considering it had to come to me
cross country. I am enjoying all of them very much. I don't think you'll be
Sandy J. |

Hi, [her name],
I'm a very happy customer of the Shelton's. You will be so blessed, as I have been, as you study and read and listen to her tapes. God has really led me in my search to find answers to my many questions about homeschool. That search led me straight to Barb Shelton. I'll never be the same in my homeschool since reading her materials and listening to God. You will not be disappointed.
They also have excellent service in mailing out materials. You will definitely get them in less than a week from ordering! It is amazing.
Beth in NC
(*Comment from Barb: You'll get them
in less than a week IF we are not backordered, but Dave does as good a
job as possible at keeping up with ordering. However, we
obviously can't pre-know how much of any one item will actually be
ordered.) |

Dear Sister,
Homeschooloasis is more than a business; it is a refuge for the
weary, hope
for wanderer, humor for the soul and a practical plan for any family.
To top
it off, Barb's books are spiritually founded on the Holy Scriptures and
her principles and ideas. God has used Barb and her hubby and
family in a
mighty way for those of us who so desperately need it. You will be
more than
blessed by investing in any of their materials and yes they were all
speedily delivered.
Resting in Him,
Sharline |

This last one is long, but
very interesting and
Even though I have known Charisse
for quite some time now, I still
learned some new things!
She is a blessing!
Hi [her name],
I'm another one of those that will gladly tell you of some of the
wonderful things I've received through Dave and Barb Shelton's
ministry to homeschoolers. My first introduction to Barb's materials
were from a good friend of mine. The book she let me borrow for
several months was "Senior High: A Home-Designed Form+U+la." I looked
it over for some time, and then joined their email list, and bought my
own copy. I wanted to be able to read and see how others received her
and used her materials.
Well, let me back up for
just a moment. My friend first heard and knew of Barb Shelton because of
one or both of Barb's children (Sharnessa and Tory) working with children
at a camp for hemophiliacs. Both worked as camp counselors. My friend was
so impressed by the kindness and integrity of Barb's children that this
alone stood out to her, and she wanted to know more about them. This is
how she learned of Barb being a homeschooling mother, and the whole
ministry that has grown out of Barb's desire to help other parents.
A couple of the two most common things that seem to happen to home
schooling families is either burn-out, or trying to bring "the school
system" (as we knew it growing up) home and making our family conform to
Now, I'm 46, and have seven children (4 daughters, 3 sons). They range
in ages from 7 yrs. to 20 years old. My husband and I have been
married 22 years, we are self-employed, and I've been able to teach my
children all their lives. Since I was a child, I had always wanted to
teach. Before I was married, and for a couple years afterwards, I
taught in Christian schools. But when it was time for me to enter my
children into school, there was no way that I wanted to start sending
them away from home for 6-8 hours a day. That would be nearly half of
their waking hours away from me. I'd miss out on half their lives
during their school years. (That was my motive and thinking concerning
But about the time my oldest was in 5th grade...I was growing weary
fast of the intense schedules I had my children on. I used to set
timers, make report cards, grade every single paper, and do the field
trip thing almost once a week like clock work. Never mind any extra
curricular sports, piano lessons, etc. (I was so crazy at one time,
because I didn't want my children to feel different from their other
friends at church... I made them uniforms ~ sorry, I was really off
the deep-end then.) And I came crashing down, burning out. I had
held a standard so high to impress all those around us....a standard I
couldn't keep up with, and neither did I want to...but thought I now
had gain approval. Don't ask me from who...whomever I neighbors, relatives, or friends at church.
So, it was about this time I had sort of given up on the "ideal" home
school regiment, but even so...almost feeling guilty about it, because
few others were "casting off" the restraints like I was. I soon didn't
see the purpose for finishing curriculum books...except to say "WE
FINISHED" them. But again, I had to deal with my own condemnation and
not understanding why I was struggling so. I knew God was showing me
some things, but I wasn't sure what. And I didn't like feeling like I
was the only "odd-ball" in the group. A couple years later, (1999) is
when my other friend introduced me to Barb's book and website.
It was like coming home. FINALLY, I had found some people just like
myself (tired of having the government tell me they know how to teach
my children better than I). And many of them had already been
burned-out on the curriculum band wagon. Hey, don't get me
wrong...after spending ten years of teaching from a lot of
curriculums, I didn't chuck all my books...but now I view them as
wonderful resources rather than the basis of what I work from. I found
nothing BUT love, support and ENCOURAGEMENT from Barb and these other
women who are a part of the email list. I love to go to the Oasis
website and get stirred up or inspired and occasionally order
something I've been looking for.
Side note, one time, I even got to travel down I-5 about 30 miles, and
Barb traveled north up I-5 about 75 miles... and several ladies and my
oldest daughter (who has graduated along with her brother), got to
have lunch with her. She is just as down-to-earth, and comfortable to
be with as reading her materials. Barb is not the least bit
intimidating, does not pretend like she is God's answer to all
homeschoolers, and is still open to the Lord today and still learning
what He has in store for her, her loved ones, and their ministry. I
have no problem trusting her.
I guess I wrote this hoping to still some fears or apprehensions.
Truthfully, I don't blame you...there's a lot of stuff out there in this
world (especially in the name of Christianity) proclaiming to do this and
that... but Barb isn't claiming anything... except she wants to serve God
in the way He's called her. And God has given Dave and Barb a heart that
longs to help other parents teach their children, and instruct them in the
way they should go. Never feel strange or shy about asking questions (lots
of questions) and challenging someone to explain themselves to you. God
will bless you with faith and discernment, and I believe He will honor you
in seeking out His wisdom. Don't fret... let your husband care for you as
he's doing... God will bless this. Buying one or two of Barb's books or
tapes will only help both of you understand better where she's coming from
and the message of encouragement she has for parents.
I will pray as I send this that you will let God direct you and
encourage you. That way you have nothing to fear.
Much love found in Him,
Charisse Carrigan
(wife to Thom; and mom to Rachael-20,
Alycia-16, Christine-13, Judah-11, Emily-8
and Jacob-7) |
