Kissed Dating Goodbye - by Joshua Harris. This
book will change your ideas about just how valuable the dating scene
is. It was our then-19-year-old son's favorite book on this subject
and is totally worthy of the many raves it has received. We have heard
Josh speak in person many times and his book is every bit as good!
This guy lived the message he shares, and lived to tell
about it! He proves that God's ways are the absolute best for
us - contrary to what the world would like to convince us

Your Children for Courtship and Marriage (Audio 6-tape set)
- by Pastor Reb
Bradley who says: "Need
we fear the loss of our teenagers to the world? Must they fall victim
to the s_xual pressures they will face? Not at all! Regretfully, I
believe that most Christian parents hurt instead of help their
children's chances for chastity, usually unknowingly. This 6-tape series will expose for
parents how they accidentally lead their children into s_xual
impurity, and will equip them with a plan for shaping their children's
values from the time they are toddlers." Anyone with children
(even in utero!) needs to hear this timely message! Especially good
for parents with young children who still have time to start
implementing these values early on, but it was still very helpful for
our "late start" when ours were in their early-mid teens. 6
tapes and Syllabus:

and Purity - by Elisabeth Elliot. One of our
daughter, Sharnessa's favorite books on this topic, this book presents a
message that is challenging, uplifting, inspiring and encouraging,
written by a woman who lived it and who did not compromise her
beliefs, even though this was not "popular" at the time.
This message is deep but a "must read" for the one who is
serious about pursuing God wholeheartedly.

for Love - by Elisabeth Elliot. After
Mrs. Elliot wrote Passion and Purity she began receiving many
letters asking about specifics and how to practically implement what
she taught and shared in it. Quest for Love is her answers to
those questions, and is excellent!!!!! 34 short but
poignant chapters that deal with such nitty-gritty questions as
"What if I never marry - will God take that desire
away?" "I have deep feelings for this guy, but he says
I am like a sister to him. What should I do?" "Why
should a man still be expected to initiate romance?" Mrs.
Elliot responds to these and many other questions and readers'
heartfelt needs and confusion with sound biblical guidance.

Knights and Fair Maidens - by Jeff and Danielle Myers. [On
back of book:] "When God brought them together, Jeff and Danielle
Myers had both been searching for alternatives to the dating game. Of
Knights and Fair Maidens is the funny, heart-warming story of how
they got to know each other through courtship - the way
people used to meet and fall in love before dating was invented. They
offer a radical new approach to this old-fashioned way of developing
relationships. There is also MUCH practical advice and MANY ideas for
creative ways to get to know each other, ways to develop character
together, ideas to help a guy get to know a girl's dad, 6 things a guy
needs to know before getting serious (and 6 things for girls too), 61
questions to help you really get to know each other.

Is It Worth the Risk? -
Pastor Reb Bradley who produced the above 6-audio-tape seminar.
(On back of book:) "This is one of the most important parenting
books you will ever read. There is a recent trend in the area of
premarital romance to move away from modern dating and return to the
tradition of parent-involved 'courtship.' This rejection of a
popular cultural custom seems too radical for some, but because our
20th century dating phenomenon is linked to s_xual promiscuity and a
growing divorce rate among Christians, conscientious parents will want
to carefully consider the message in this booklet. As a parent and
pastor, Reb is not only grieved to see the moral decline within the
church, but is concerned for the effects of that decline on the
Kingdom of God. He observes that our present generation of young
people is distracted from the call to warriors in God's Kingdom. Reb
offers this booklet as a wake-up call to the Church to rescue this
generation before it is too late." I (Barb) concur with every
word!!!!!!! I suggest that this booklet be the "intro"
to this message, followed up by every one of the above books!
This write-up could very well have been the intro to this
section! But instead I'm letting it "hem" it up at the
As the
saying goes: last, but not least!

next book is not totally focused on "Romance"
touches on it. It's an excellent resource for developing
between mothers and daughters.)
Little Women -
by Donna Miller. (Two editions:
One for older girls; one for younger; explained below.)
The subtitle of this book is actually the best way to describe
it! "Capturing teachable
moments with your daughter." On the back cover
it says: "It
seems that just yesterday you cuddled your baby girl. Your
heart filled with hopes and dreams for her future, and you
wanted to give her everything she would need to live a fulfilling
life and grow to love God. But season followed season, and
now her years under your wing are suddenly half over. As she
blossoms, you can't help wondering: Am I sharing my insights
and experiences with her? Am I preparing her to become
a godly woman? Am I establishing a bond that will smooth
her passage to womanhood? This
book is designed to capture those fleeting moments before
she becomes a woman.
Within these pages you'll discover engaging stories, fun activities,
and lessons on life to be shared between a ... girl and her
mother, grandmother or mentor." (FROM
BARB: It actually says a "9-
to 12-year-old girl" but believe that, for homeschoolers
who are not as "worldly wise," this book is appropriate
for a 10 or 11-year-old all the way through high school.)
Gloria Gaither says: "There is no richer or more significant time
in the developing relationship between a mother and daughter than the
years of later childhood and early teens. If mothers and daughters can
hold each other close, then they will likely be best friends for life.
Growing Little Women is a wonderful collection to build ladders
of communication and weave from the fibers of devotion strong ties
that bind." (And speaking of binding, both versions are
wire-bound and very colorful and attractive.)
Little Women (For age 11ish through teenage) $12.95

Little Women for Younger Girls (For 10ish and under)
