Spiritual Edification
to Study the Bible For Yourself by Tim
Chrissy (our son, Tory's wife) is already quite a ways into
it and is absolutely LOVING it. She has been wanting
to study the Bible, and this book is giving her the practical
"how to" and structure. Here are the chapter
Can Understand the Bible!
) What Bible Study Will Do for You
) How to Read the Bible - including "What to
keep in your Spiritual Diary"
) Methods of Bible Reading
) What to Read in the Bible
) The Bible: The World's Greatest Library
) How to Study the Bible by Books
) How to Study the Bible by Chapters
) How to Study the Bible with Subject Analysis
) Tools for Bible Study
) Hermeneutics
) Accelerating the Learning Process
) It's a Matter of Time
) How to Disciple Yourself Through Bible Study
) How to Disciple Others
that look GOOD?!? The book also several worksheets
and sample pages. This book is for ANY level from junior
high, to high school and, of course, on through adult!!!
(Your high schooler could do a whole credit in "Biblical
Studies" with just this one book!!!)
Time to Seek God by Francis Frangipane.
From the booklet: "There are
certain times when the Lord calls us out of the routine of
our daily lives. These are special seasons where His only
command is "Seek My face." He has something precious and
vitally important to give us that the familiar pattern of
our daily devotions cannot accommodate. During such times,
people are often delivered of sins that have plagued them
for years; others discover a depth in their walk with God
that leads to greater effectiveness in ministry and prayer
(and Barb adds "and in home education"!); still others
experience breakthroughs in their families and are used by
God to see loved ones brought into the Kingdom."

of Spirits by
Frangipane. Here's
a quote that will give you a taste of this booklet: "Besides
speaking through the Scriptures themselves, the Holy Spirit
speaks in dreams, visions, and prophetic words. But much
of what is revealed will actually come through our capacity
to perceive correctly. The Scriptures tell us that Jesus
perceived the thoughts of men "in His Spirit."
So also with us, if we are to move in divine discernment,
our view of life must be purged of human thoughts and reactions."
Just think of how much of our lives (all of them,
actually) are affected by this! Including education!
And that's just the first sentence of the book! This
booklet will be tremendously helpful in renewing your mind
in whatever areas the Holy Spirit is working in.

Truth and the Presence of God by
Francis Frangipane. (On back of book:) This book: "is
for every saint who feels he cannot exist unless he finds
the fullness of God; for those who are unsatisfied with
their progress and willing to do something about it."
A quote from the book: "In the Kingdom, there are no
great men of God, just humble men whom God has chosen to
use greatly. How do we know when we are humble? When God
speaks, we tremble. God is looking for a man who trembles
at His word. Such a man will find the Spirit of God resting
upon him; he will become a dwelling place for the Almighty."

Go by Fenelon. On back
of book: "Are you struggling? Do you often struggle
through family problems, battle with the tensions of raising
children, or find yourself overwhelmed with pressures on
the job? Are personal failures and disappointments on the
increase as you face each day? What a fountain of life it
would be to discover how to let go of those distresses and
learn to embrace the joy and peace that God has promised!
Fenelon - with amazing insight - speaks firmly, but lovingly,
to those whose lives have been an uphill climb and reveals
just how to 'Let Go'!"

Heaven's Gates by Rebecca
Springer. This book is AWESOME!!! It was written by
a woman who, in the midst of a lengthy, draining, debilitating
illness, God granted her request to be refreshed by being
taken into His presence. Every word rings true of how I
thought Heaven would be! While she obviously did not stay
there (or she wouldn't have been able to write this book,)
she did write down her experience to encourage the believers.
Whether it was a vision, a dream, or "whatever"
does not matter to me; it has re-ignited my own excitement
to join my Savior in paradise (in His time, of course) and
has opened up new insights into Jesus' awesome loving nature.
I believe God allowed this woman this experience for more
than just her refreshment!

at Home by Pamala Vincent.
Pam says in the opening of the book: "This is a how-to
book designed to help women make the emotional,
financial and spiritual transition from working outside
the home to serving full-time within the home and loving
it! It was written with the hope that women will laugh at
and with me; cry over my failures and maybe learn from them;
and perhaps gain the practicality of living on little money
while serving Christ by serving their families. Mostly it's
my hope that you will find the courage to go against the
world's philosophies and revel in the pattern of the Proverbs
woman, giving yourself permission to go home. This book
is based on [my experience of] traveling the road from a
weary, overtired "super woman" of the times to
a woman called home by God." (Not Heaven – yet
– just to her home on earth.) An excellent book to
give to a "working mom" friend who's struggling
with that.

in the Wilderness
by John Bevere. this
book is an excellent companion to those going through a
"season of solitude," a "wilderness,"
and/or a "season of re-education and renewing of the
mind." They're all one and the same, what you want
to call it just depends on how you happen to regard it –
or what your particular focus is – at the moment. "God!
Where are You? Is this your heart cry? Does your spiritual
progress appear at a standstill – or to have even regressed?
Do you wonder if you've missed God or somehow displeased
Him? Perhaps this is not the case... but you've arrived
in the wilderness! Don't misunderstand its purpose. It is
not God's rejection, but His season of preparation. It is
the road traveled by patriarchs and prophets... paving
the way for a fresh move of God. He intends for you to have
Victory in the Wilderness."

Release of the Spirit -
by Watchman Nee. This book "stresses one basic
lesson every servant of God must learn (yet that many miss):
that any measure of fruitfulness requires the breaking of
the outward man to allow the release of the Spirit."
The analogy Mr. Nee gives for this is that of a sealed vial
of expensive perfume being broken in order for the precious
contents to be able to pour out. This book spoke to
my heart loudly and illuminated many things that had been
unclear, confusing, and frustrating to me in my Christian
walk prior to reading it. It is excellent! In fact,
it is one of those books that can and should be re-read
because every time you read it, you are in a different place
in your walk.