of Re-education &
of the Mind:
= Foundational Portion
(for everyone)
= Younger Portion
(12 and under)
= High School Portion
(12 and up)
a quilt piece is inside parentheses, that means that
resource is one of a few options in the course.)
the very bottom of this page for V*Enna's CD:

here to go to V*Enna's website) |
I Wanna Be"
The Homeschool Jumpstart
Navigator ~ for Younger Children (For Ages 4-12)
by Barb Shelton. Don't
have a clue as to where to start homeschooling? Or RE-start,
having burned out on too much "school at home"? For either
case, this 90-page book is brimming with practical help for getting
your child (re-)started onto a plan of learning ~ lots of real-life
learning and "ample" academics. Here's what one homeschool
mom said: "I have been reading your Jumpstart Navigator for Younger
Children. Thank you for giving me confidence to get started. Having the
knowledge in that book has made such a difference." 
If your children have been in
"regular school" or are burned-out on too much
"school-at-home," they need time to "decompress"
while getting occupied in some healthy "real-life learning."
Once the child is all set academically (which this book helps you do),
the book also gives specific direction to get the parent going on a
season of "re- education" in what "education"
really is ~ which will be very freeing and joy-producing for you! It
is vital to know what education is before trying to do it with and for
our kids! But most folks when first starting out, don't realize this.
Our minds are still "unrenewed" in this vast arena of
education ~ which is only natural. Our society is steeped in the
public school system, so we naturally see that as being "the
norm" and even "the best." Yet, that system is not
producing the desired fruit in our children. Even so, new
homeschoolers rush out to buy hundreds of dollars worth of curriculum,
start funneling that down their kids' heads, and within a year or two
~ sometimes it takes just a few weeks or months ~ burn out! There's
still a place for prepared curriculum, but, like TV dinners, which are
very handy, and all set up for you ~ there are no decisions to make
other than which one(s) to get. A steady diet of this is not the
"healthiest" option. You can make those decisions, and this
book shows you how to start ~ and how simple it is ~ and gives lots of
practical tools to use with your children! This book includes
five chapters,
three of which are on:
"Warming Up Your C-c-cold Feet"
~ Here you'll
find encouragement and direction for getting started, turning the
focus to what true education is rather than to amassing a stack of
text/workbooks before knowing what God wants you to do.
"Creating a Jumpstart Plan for Your Child" ~ 16 pages of ideas, insight, and tips from a homeschool mom (yours
truly) who has been designing her own homeschool plan for 14 years); 6
pages of easy, practical, ideas for 18 "subjects" (all the
"regulars" and then some!), a healthy mix of
"real-life" and "academic" learning; 2 lesson plan
format-charts (masters) for two age levels that cover up to several
weeks (I used these for many years with my own children, and they are
not at all overwhelming! In fact, they are as simple yet complete as
you can get!), a week-at-a-glance "Child's Stuff To Do"
check-off chart for younger children (age 4ish-8ish); and a
"Weekly Assignment Plan" for older children (9ish to
12ish). And then there's the...
~ "Treasury of Learning Tools"
~ 28 pages of
directions, recipes, and ideas for science, art, and cooking projects
and masters you can duplicate for your children in math, science,
finances, telling time, cooking, art, keeping memories, vocabulary,
spelling, music, and abbreviations. Also a "My Time With
God" guide for your child to use. Plenty to get you going!
Pages / 8½ X 11" / Comb-bound) $8.00
And here is a neat note I received about this book...
would recommend the Jumpstart Navigator to anyone
who homeschools, simply for the ideas it will
spark and you can take off on....... but I think
it is MOST helpful to those who are just beginning
to homeschool or have been doing "school at home,"
as in a textbook/workbook structured curriculum
type schooling. It will give you a great place
to start with getting your child doing productive,
fun, creative things... while you are reading
the things you need to free yourself up from the
tyranny of strictly following a curriculum ~ or
for first-time homeschoolers - to give you a chance
to read
some of Barb's writings (books and on the website)
and to seek the Lord about the direction you will
Cindy Walker
book is (in my humble opinion) essential for its
great ideas and practical help and encouragement.
And may I encourage you to obtain a copy of the
Senior High book as soon as possible, if you don't
already own it? ;-) You'll have time to read it
while your girls are doing the cool stuff in the
Jumpstart Navigator for Younger Children, and
you can get great ideas for them from the "older"
Navigator inside the SHF-L book, too. I'm glad
I read (and re-read) SHF-L many times before my
sons got to their current ages (7th and 8th grades).
.....anyway, just a gentle "hint" and encouragement....it
is such a wonderful book! Not just for "things
to do" (that is, it's not a curriculum at all!),
but for "things it helps you to realize" and for
its heartwarming inspiration.
Amy Beckel
yet another!...
Most-Wonderful Barb! (Just
for the record, I'm not actually this
wonderful! She just got done reading my
book and is just excited.)
{{{{}}}} Hugs and smiles to you! I have
just had the longest block of time to read more
of the Jumpstart Navigator for younger children
since I got it. :::sigh::: I cannot
thank you enough for all your hard work. I
don't know if I'm missing an organizational
gene, or what, but the biggest and practically
ONLY problem I've had for all these years, is
knowing what to DO with all the stuff. Especially
the papers. I've read millions of books ~ I
was telling Megan (my
just now about what I've read in your book and
how much I'm learning ~ and she said, "Didn't
you learn any of that in those other books?!"
NO! Not the practical nitty-gritty folders-and-boxes-and-what-to-put-in
them-stuff. ... Now I know how I can put all
my STUFF away and what I should get rid of,
and I just thank you from the bottom of my heart!
The idea I especially like the most is for the
3-ring notebook for the mom's stuff with the
collage on the front. That's the kind of notebook
my kids have been using for their completed
work, and they have designed their own covers
every year. I have lots of homeschool pictures
and I am looking forward to getting 45 minutes
(!) and making MY own cover!
One more note of encouragement for you: my daughter
is looking forward to our trip home to Michigan.
We are going to alert the relatives in advance
that she is working on the Cooks and Recipes
book (which is in the Jumpstart Navigator),
and have them be ready with their recipe and
the cooked product so she can take a picture.
And she said she would make her favorite one
for them! Isn't that great? Thanks again!!!!
Love, Lorraine M.
probably about enough,
you think?
Late Than Early - by Dr. Raymond and Dorothy Moore.
(Quoting from the book:)
"Do we use the preschool primarily as a convenience for our own
freedom, or do we view it as vital to our children? Are we determined
to solve the problems of our children on the basis of scientific
evidence? Or do we prefer to operate by social pressure and shaky
intuition? In short, are we willing to re-examine our traditional
ideas and to make difficult changes involving long-range sacrifices if
they mean the eventual enrichment of the lives or our children and our
society? ... From our research and studies, we have concluded that:
the home is the primary (and best) institution for young children; we
doubt the need for preschool for the larger segment of our population;
we see the home as potentially more cost effective than the school for
developing young children. If you are more interested in your personal
'freedoms' than you are in your children, this book may make you
uncomfortable. On the other hand, if you are (wanting to be) involved
in the education of your children... then this book should be
helpful." And I, Barb, would add... it WILL be VERY
helpful! (Softbound)

Grown Kids by Dr. Raymond Moore - 19
years ago this book took me from being a total skeptic about
homeschooling (I thought it was about the silliest idea I'd ever heard
of!), to being
totally sold on homeschooling, even though I didn't want to do
it! Every doubt and question I had at the
time ended up being addressed in this book! It presents sound advice and
many practical how-to's for starting to homeschool in a non-stressful way! On
the back of the book: "Do you want to really enjoy your child?
Do you want him or her to have the best possible teacher and go to the
best possible school? According to [the authors] that teacher is
you, the parent, and that school can be your home." If you
don't want to find out the truth about preschool and its supposed
advantages, then do NOT read this book! (Softbound)

College Record - by Dr. Raymond Moore.
The subtitle is really more descriptive
of this booklet: "Research and Common Sense"
because that's exactly what it is! Convincing
evidence that "there's no place like home" to
educate a child, and that the classroom, even with its
certified teacher, not only does not produce what we hope
for in our children, but is actually counter-productive
and not in the best interest of the developing child.
This is not my biased opinion, but the result of many
well-researched studies not from within the system (which
are biased toward public education), which Dr. Moore very
carefully lays out. Booklet:

the Children's Sake by Susan Schaeffer
Macaulay. This book will change your perspective
on and perception of early childhood education.
What you think school will do for and in your
child may be exactly opposite from your heart's desires.
Appearances are deceiving, and that includes the colorful
trappings of early childhood education. (On back of book:)
"Everyone would like education to be a joyous adventure
and celebration of life, as well as a solid preparation
for living. Sadly, most education today falls far short
of this goal. This book can help every parent and teacher
awaken the young minds of their children and give them
a new richness, stability, and joy for living."
/ $12.95

Make-My-Own Phonics Book
Barb Shelton and your child! A tool that any parent can use
easily, designed to help you help your child learn to read in a
relaxed, logical, life-related manner. It presents three easy
framework options which you can use to help your child discover, one
bite- sized step at a time, the basics of phonics. Just the right size
for the budding reader to work with, it's bound at the top for easy
writing for both "lefties" and "righties." The
sounds are presented in alphabetical order for quick access. On each
page are two charts, each with a different sound or phonogram, with 7
spaces in which the child can write in words as they are discovered in
real life and as the child is read to. See sample
(89 pages / 5½" wide X 8½" tall
/ Comb-bound at top) $8.95
Booklet Building Book - by Barb Shelton.
This is an easy-to-use tool for creative, hands-on learning
in many subjects! One homeschool mom said: "I've
enjoyed working with your books and the kids. My son has
written a few books now and finishing them up on the computer
has helped him to enjoy writing even more. Thanks for
the vehicle to making writing and homeschooling easier."
Ted Wade, (author of The Homeschooling Manual)
says of the book:
"Young hands need to be active, but they are often
given only busywork. This idea combines activity with
creativity for meaningful, delight-directed learning."
It's geared for 'just- starting-to-read-n-write-ers' up
through about age 12. It has over 35 different reproducible
masters, each one being a hands-on project in itself!
Mom just copies the ones she wants to use (children can
go through and select the ones they are interested in!)
It includes complete directions and ideas for forming
them into a "make-my-own" booklets like "Buds-to-Blossoms
Book"; "Grandparent Book"; "Around
My Town Book"; "Days of Creation"; "Planets";
"A Week in My Life," and "Tree 'n' Leaf
Book." This book is part of Barb's answer to "What
did you do with your kids *before* they got to senior
pages /Comb-bound) $8.50
Heart to Page by
Michelle Van Loon. Encouraging children to keep
a journal seems like such a good idea. It offers them
a chance to express themselves, sharpen observation skills,
and respond to what God is doing in their lives. But too
often, the suggestion to "write in your journal"
or "do a journal entry" is met with "But
I don't know what to write." That's where From
Heart To Page comes in! This easy-to-use booklet
has 120 journal or essay writing prompters! Some
are observation oriented, some offer the opportunity to
capture dreams and ideas for the future on paper, some
are focused on service towards others, and still others
are focused on spiritual growth and development. A parent
can plug From Heart To Page in at any time and
simply check off each day's assignment in the book as
it is completed. A complete introduction offers guidance,
and the simple format makes this accessible for students
across the age spectrum. This booklet makes an excellent
complement to any language arts approach and is just the
resource to provide the spark to turn writing from chore
to joy. Appropriate and adaptable for beginning all the
way through advanced (high school) writers. Most
ideas are universal; the student will respond according
to their own skill level.
pages / Staple-bound) $7.00
Record Keeping
Homeschool Record Keeping Seminar -
by Barb Shelton. This 2-hour seminar is on tape and comes complete with a 52-page set of handouts, complete with reproducible masters and filled-in samples! Covers 10 reasons for record keeping and a chart to help you determine your own needs so you don't do any more or less than is optimally beneficial to you. Forms for minimal planning, organizing of your children and their jobs and minimal "table time" work, reading with Mom, various ways to make it look official which it is! I just help you translate your "real life learning" into
"academicese." A smorgasbord of tools for moms to use with 12-and-unders created by a homeschool
mom of 15 years who did the stuff
herself, with her kids even and lived to tell about it! (Record keeping for sr. high and "older jr. high" ages is in
Form+U+la.) (Note:
this is not the best recording as it was not done
professionally. You can still hear it OK, but I just wanted to
warn you about it so that you weren't expecting the best.
(2 Audio Tapes plus Handouts) $12.95
Neat Stuff
to Use
with Your Kids
Little Women -
by Donna Miller. (Two editions:
One for older girls;one
for younger; explained below.) The subtitle of this
book is actually the best way to describe it! "Capturing
teachable moments with your daughter." On the
back cover it says: "It seems that just yesterday
you cuddled your baby girl. Your heart filled with hopes
and dreams for her future, and you wanted to give her
everything she would need to live a fulfilling life and
grow to love God. But season followed season, and now
her years under your wing are suddenly half over. As she
blossoms, you can't help wondering:
I sharing my insights and experiences with her?
Am I preparing her to become a godly
woman? Am I establishing
a bond that will smooth her passage to womanhood? This book is designed to capture
those fleeting moments before she becomes a woman. Within
these pages you'll discover
stories, fun activities, and lessons on life to be shared
between a ... girl and her mother, grandmother or mentor."
actually says a "9-to12-year-old girl" but believe
that, for homeschoolers who are not as "worldly wise,"
this book is appropriate for a 10 or 11-year-old all the
way through high school.)
Gloria Gaither says: "There is no richer or more significant time
in the developing relationship between a mother and daughter than the
years of later childhood and early teens. If mothers and daughters can
hold each other close, then they will likely be best friends for life.
Growing Little Women is a wonderful collection to build ladders
of communication and weave from the fibers of devotion strong ties
that bind."
Growing Little Women (for
(Both versions
are wire-bound) $12.95
Growing Little Women for
Younger Girls
(Age 10ish and under) $12.95
First Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
- by
E.D. Hirsch, Jr.
This book will help give the younger child (from kindergarten age through junior high) a "solid grounding in the arts and sciences but a clear understanding of the world around them from world wide geography to the World Wide Web; from
ancient history to current technology, in one engaging volume." The format of this book is more like a mini-encyclopedia than a "dictionary"!
It's a great discussion starter and, being brief (on hundreds of topics) but informative, it will provide many opportunities for the parent to fill "the rest of the story." Even as an adult I have learned many new tidbits I wasn't aware of! (Of course, you have to consider the source on that one!) Read Cultural Literacy for "the bigger picture" on the need for this; The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy is appropriate for Junior High through High School and (far) beyond.
(Hardbound) $15.00
Before Birth -
by Dr. Gary
Parker. He and his wife, Mary, explain the Biblical view of life
before birth in a conversation with their children that takes place in
Dad's lab. Cartoonish illustrations are colorful and amply
instructional for younger children. Such topics as abortion and birth
defects are covered in a special way. Evolution is, by evidence,
ruled out as a remote possibility. An excellent starting point for
teaching about creation science!
Arthur's Bedtime Stories
Uncle Arthurs' Storytime: Children's True Adventures
three of our children grew up on these and loved them!
(So did their mama and daddy, as adults!) They teach values
and lessons of all kinds, including obedience, integrity,
honesty, faithfulness, kindness servanthood, diligence,
compassion, cooperation, patience, perseverance, unselfishness,
just to name a few, through stories. Comes only in a 3-volume
set, with each being a good-sized hard-cover volume having
about 20 stories, two to four pages each. We read these
over and over, through the years! I frequently heard
"Oh, read the one about the...! " (My own favorite
is "The Hollow Pie!) (3 Hardbound books in an attractive
case; a lovely family keepsake or gift set. We
have given a brand new set to each of our children for
them to take with them when they leave home!)

Visits With God - by Mary Manz Simons. I used this children's devotional book with our children when they
were young, and we all loved it! Timeless treasures of stories
and lessons, of just the right length for young attention spans. It's
delightful a very good resource!
World of Little House -
by Carolyn Strom Collins. "Meticulously researched, this book is for anyone who has ever read and enjoyed the Little House books. Explore the houses, foods, activities of daily pioneer life, journeys, and landscapes. Learn about events of Laura's childhood and her happy marriage that are not included in the Little House Books."
This beautiful book makes an excellent gift for any "Little House" lover!
(even Mom!)
/ 150 pages) $25.95

Little House Books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. These books, much-loved by young and old alike, are great resources for teaching real-life history, good work ethics, daily life as it really was back then, and character building. Pioneer culture, skills, and traditions are woven throughout the stories.
Books may be purchased individually or in money-saving, nicely encased
5 or 9-book sets.
5-book set contains:
Little House in the Big Woods.....$5.95

Little House on the Prairie.....$4.50
On the Banks of Plum Creek.....$4.50
By the Shores of Silver Lake.....$4.50
Little House in the Big Woods.....$4.50
9-book set contains all 5 above books, plus:
The Long Winter..... $4.50
The First Four Years.....$4.50
These Happy Golden Years.....$4.50
Little Town on the Prairie.....$4.50
5-Book Set (must be ordered at one time as a set).....$29.75
Set (Little House Pioneer Girls).....$14.85
9-Book Set (must be ordered at one time as a set).....$53.55
book sets come in attractive, sturdy cases.)
It Couldn't Just Happen -
Lawrence O. Richards. "An almanac of solid truths concerning
creation and evolution with a colorful, fun layout. Scientific
evidence that creation could not have been the result of evolution,
but only the work of an all-intelligent, Master Designer. For ages
8ish15ish. This book gives "real answers to tough
questions" and "incredible examples in nature that help us
to learn more about our amazing Creator."
(Softbound) $14.95