Places I've Been |
Edmonton, Canada My family and I drove to Edmonton, Canada in 1995, when I was 8 years old. We went up specifically to go to West Edmonton Mall. It is one of the biggest malls in the world! It has a water park in it, And this is a picture of the water park. And there's an amusement park, with a roller coaster, but I was to little to go on it. And they have a hotel in the mall, and over 850 stores! And a submarine ride, and a dolphin show! The picture above is a link to the West Edmonton Mall website, or just click here:
San Francisco, California My family and I went to San Francisco, California in 1997 for a vacation. In San Francisco we went to the Golden Gate Bridge, Alcatraz Prison, Coit Tower, Hard Rock Café, and we also got to go on trolleys, also known as cable cars. In Fairfield, California we toured the Jelly Belly Factory. It was fun and interesting going there! ... Clicking on the picture on the left will take you to a web page (at another web site) with a lot of interesting information about Golden Gate Bridge. And clicking on the picture on the right will take you to a web site about Jelly Bellies.
New York
girl, Cathy Treichel, and I went to Briarcliff, New York in
1998 to visit our sisters, Stacey and Sharnessa, who were both
nannies there. (Cathy is Stacey's younger sister) In
New York I got to
went to London and Manchester, England by myself just last March (of 2000) to visit my
sister, Sharnessa, and her fiancé, Sam. They both went to a
Christian college two years ago called I.B.I.O.L., and they both graduated
from there July of 1999. Tower Bridge (picture on the right) is one of
the places I went to see in London, and it is absolutely beautiful and amazing! I also got to go to Harrods, which
is a very big and elaborate store
Anchorage, Alaska (twice) |
The first time I went to Alaska was when my cousin, Laura, got married to Kosta in March of 2001. One of my Mom's sisters lives in Alaska. Below is a picture of the bride and groom with the bride's family. That's me, front right, in the light blue dress that looks white. It was a lovely wedding! |
In the summer of 2001, I went up to Alaska for 3-1/2 weeks to work for my uncle Steve in his office. Here I am with my cousin, Teresa in the office. He is an attorney at law; she is his main secretary and office manager. My Uncle Steve was my "ultimate" boss, but, Teresa was my main boss that I worked under. |
Nashville, Tennessee
In August of 2001, a friend of mine and I went to Nashville to work as back-up dancers to tour with my sister who was in a band called V*Enna. It was quite the experience touring. [write more]
Camp Mac, Akron, Indiana
This place was nice, we got to stay a couple nights here. It was a campground, but we got to stay in a lodge type building there. And there was a lake and canoes and other kinds of boats there, that was a relaxing time! But there were tons of mosquitoes there! We had to put Bug Off! bug spray on every time we went outside unless we wanted to be eaten by mosquitoes! We performed in a church there, just a few hundred feet the where we were staying.
Big Rapids, Michigan
This is one of the places V*Enna performed at during the tour I was on with them. There was one other band there. We performed in a college auditorium.
West Lebanon, Indiana
This is another place we performed. There were a few bands there, and one of them was Flight 180. We got to hang out with them a bit before we were on and after the whole concert was over, it was really fun! That wasn't the first time I met them because they have come to perform in my home town a couple of times in the last few years.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
Sioux Falls is another place we (V*Enna) performed. It was VERY hot though, so that kind of made it harder to perform. But we still had a good time! I got to meet LaRue, they're really nice. I got to see Switchfoot perform a little bit too! We got to see Sioux Falls (a water fall) of Sioux Falls! It was SO gorgeous! We went at night and They had different colored lights on them!
Multnomah Falls in Oregon
My Dad took a few of my friends and me on a high school girls field trip to Multnomuh Falls. We hiked to the top of the falls. That was my first time going to the top! It was about a 1 1/4 mile hike from the bottom! This picture here we were only part way up. It was very tiring going all the way up! But, it was worth it. The view on the hike and from the top was beautiful! I got to feel the water and it was very cold.
Here (left) is a picture of the Sandén's (my brother-in-law, Sam's family), Mom, Dad and me a different time we went! That was the summer that my sister got married, and then my brother got married a week later! The Sandéns were here for the wedding.
Los Angeles, California
My Mom and Dad and I went here just last March. One of the places we went was Universal Studios. We have some friends down there, so they went with us to Universal Studios. It wasn't very warm, actually, it was COLD, and in southern California!
My favorite ride there was the Jurassic Park ride. It takes you on an adventure through Dinosaur territory, and disaster strikes! And the wet ride ends in an 80 foot drop! It was a BLAST! We went on it three times!
Another place we went to in LA was Disneyland. That was SO much fun! My favorite ride there was the Indiana Jones ride. We (my Mom, Dad and I) went on 12 rides and stuff that day! We also went right next door to California Adventure. |
In March of 2002 my Mom, Dad and I went to Gilbert, Arizona to visit our friends who moved there in winter of 2001.
The Los Angeles trip above was on the same vacation as this one! We drove to Gilbert from L.A.. For some of the time it was really hot in Arizona! But our friends had a pool in their backyard! The water was really cold, and I never went in it when it was really hot, but the pool was still fun! We had a few water fights! Those were great!
Mexico was only 2-1/2 hours from Gilbert, so we went there for a day. That was a different, but fun, experience. And when we got back to our friends' house later that night, my brother, Tory, and his wife, Chrissy, were there and surprised us! They had driven all the way from Longview, Washington down to Gilbert, Arizona!!! That was SUCH a pleasant surprise!!! So they were with us on the rest of our vacation!
My great aunt and uncle live down there as well, so we got spend an evening with them. We got to see a cacti and pick oranges, grapefruits and lemons from their trees! That was so fun! And at their house it smelled of orange blossoms ~ that was a heavenly smell!
Down in Gilbert we also got to see the Seattle Mariners play against the Arizona Diamond Backs at Spring Training! It was SOOOOO hot that day! But we still had fun! |
Colorado Springs, Colorado
In July of 2002 My Mom, Dad, Brother Tory, sister-in-law Chrissy and my newly adopted cousin, Krystel went to Colorado Springs for an Edtl (my Mom's side) family reunion. Sharnessa and Sam, my sister and brother-in-law came a couple of days after we arrived there.
We did SO much on this vacation! The first place we went, which was only a two minute drive from where we were staying, was Focus on the Family. They had a three storied slide that I got to go on, that was fun!
The U.S. Air Force Academy base was only about twenty minutes away. So a few others and I got to go there. We only had time to go into the museum/gift shop, there was some interesting stuff in there. We got to see the cockpit and the nose of an Air Force airplane in the museum! That was pretty cool! Something else they had there was a map of the U.S., and they had pins on the map and each one of the pins represented a guy who is in the U.S. Air Force Academy. There were a few guys from around where I live! That map was neat! It was interesting seeing how some places in the U.S. had more people from them that joined the Air Force than other places!
Another thing we did for our family reunion in Colorado was go to Six Flags in Denver! A few of my favorite rides were the Boomerang, the XLR8R and Click here to go to the official Six Flags website! |
Leavenworth, Washington
In December of 2001, my Mom, Dad, some friends of ours and I went to Leavenworth. It was very cold there!
The town looks like a little German village! The buildings even are structured and decorated little German village like! |
Note from an older Carlianne:
I wrote and designed my web pages when I was about 12 or 13, so most of them are quite outdated as far as what my hobbies and interests are now. But I am keeping them here, as they were back when I wrote them, because it's all still part of my past and who I am now. |
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