Intro to the
Barb Shelton's Homeschool Course
Whether or not you live in Washington State or not, taking such a course will be tremendously advantageous to anyone planning to homeschool or who is unhappy with the way their current experience is going or the fruit (or lack thereof) that they are seeing.
The Homeschool Launch Course, previously known as a "Season of Re-education and Renewing of the Mind," is still that, but just with a new name. It's also a "homeschool qualifying course" in Washington State as it is sponsored (approved) by a post-secondary (college-level) institution.
This course, designed by myself, Barb Shelton, is done entirely online, in your own home, at your own pace.
I hope you won't rush through this course. For it to be the most effective and deep-rooting in your life, you need to take ample time with it, whatever that may be for you. Life-changing things are never quick if they are to be deep and long-lasting.
Offered by homeschool author, speaker, and 24-year homeschool veteran, Barb Shelton ~ who, with her husband Dave (47 years as of July 2022!) homeschooled all three of their children from start to graduation ~ this course consists primarily of reading articles, watching videos, and listening. We had to have quizzes on the platform I have the course on, Udemy, so they are just very fun and easy because my main goal is to have you process the material with the aid of the Holy Spirit.
One of the four ways to "qualify" to homeschool in Washington State is by having one year of college. And, of course, most other states don't even have this option. My hope is that, even ~ if not especially if you "qualify" with a year of college, even if you live in a state that does not require a course, you will still take a course in homeschooling as "school" and "homeschool" are completely different in nature ~ unless your hope is to burn out your children as well as yourself and miss the wonderful stuff God has for you!
The more "schooling" you have, the more you need to be "de-schooled." I guarantee that if you do not listen to this now, you will listen later ~ after having wasted a lot of precious time and money, and with much more to redeem and fix than if you had been willing to shed your "school at home" mentality early on. I have been at this for 32 years now (as of July 2014) and couldn't even begin to count the number of people who refused to listen to this message at the beginning, but then burned out and came back to me months or years later, with poor fruit, deeply regretful that they did not have a teachable heart much sooner.
The foundation of my message is that we each need to seek God on HIS idea of education, and then listen to and HEED His voice over the many loud voices of the world. His burden ~ even for educating our children ~ is easy, His yoke is light. The world's ways are heavy and ill-fitting, but it's all we know! And until we put ourselves through a season of re-education and renewing of the mind," we will continue to think we need to do it the world's way, and spend hundreds of dollars doing so. God has something better, but it's unique for each family. This course is designed to help increase your ability to hear God for the education of your children, but first, the education of Mom (and Dad)! (In fact, Marilyn Howshall has written a book on this very topic! Here is an excerpt from it that would be well-worth your time to read.)
Warmly, Barb Shelton |